
(píng) to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal)

评事 (w)

(píngshì) to discuss and evaluate; to appraise

评介 (w)

(píngjiè) to review (a book)

评估 (w)

(pínggū) to evaluate; to assess; assessment; evaluation

评价 (w)

(píngjià) to evaluate; to assess

评价分类 (w)

(píngjiàfēnlèi) rank, classify

评分 (w)

(píngfēn) to grade; to mark (student's work); grade; score (of student's work)

评判 (w)

(píngpàn) to judge (a competition); to appraise

评委 (w)

(píngwěi) judging panel member; adjudicator; selector; abbr. for 評選委員會委員|评选委员会委员[ping2 xuan3 wei3 yuan2 hui4 wei3 yuan2]

评定 (w)

(píngdìng) to evaluate; to make one's judgment

评审 (w)

(píngshěn) to appraise; to evaluate; to judge

评审团 (w)

(píngshěntuán) jury; panel of judges

评审团特别奖 (w)

(píngshěntuántèbiéjiǎng) Special Jury Prize

评断 (w)

(píngduàn) to judge

评书 (w)

(píngshū) folk theatrical form, a monologue discussion historical events etc

评比 (w)

(píngbǐ) to evaluate (by comparison)

评为 (w)

(píngwéi) to elect as; to choose as; to consider as

评理 (w)

(pínglǐ) to judge between right and wrong; to reason things out

评章 (w)

(píngzhāng) to appraise

评级 (w)

(píngjí) rating

评注 (w)

(píngzhù) to annotate; annotation; commentary; remark

评话 (w)

(pínghuà) storytelling dramatic art dating back to Song and Yuan periods, single narrator without music, often historical topics with commentary

评语 (w)

(píngyǔ) comment; evaluation

评说 (w)

(píngshuō) to comment; to evaluate

评论 (w)

(pínglùn) to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary; CL:篇[pian1]

评论家 (w)

(pínglùnjiā) critic; reviewer

评议会 (w)

(píngyìhuì) council

评述 (w)

(píngshù) to comment on; commentary

评选 (w)

(píngxuǎn) to select, on the basis of a vote or consensus

评阅 (w)

(píngyuè) to read and appraise

评头论足 (w)

(píngtóulùnzú) lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance; fig. to find fault in minor details; to remark upon a person's appearance; nit-picking; over-critical; judgmental

评点 (w)

(píngdiǎn) to comment; a point by point commentary