
(yòu) to entice; to tempt

诱人 (w)

(yòurén) attractive; alluring; captivating; to attract; to captivate

诱使 (w)

(yòushǐ) to lure into; to entrap; to trick into; to entice; to induce; to invite; to tempt

诱动 (w)

(yòudòng) to tempt; to seduce

诱因 (w)

(yòuyīn) cause (esp. of an illness); incentive; inducement

诱导 (w)

(yòudǎo) to guide; to lead; to induce; electrical induction; (medic.) revulsion

诱导分娩 (w)

(yòudǎofēnmiǎn) to induce labor (i.e. childbirth)

诱导误导 (w)

(yòudǎowùdǎo) to mislead (idiom)

诱惑 (w)

(yòuhuò) to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract

诱拐 (w)

(yòuguǎi) to abduct; to kidnap

诱拐者 (w)

(yòuguǎizhě) abductor

诱掖 (w)

(yòuyè) to help and encourage

诱发 (w)

(yòufā) to cause; to bring about; to induce; to incite; cause

诱变剂 (w)

(yòubiànjì) mutagen

诱陷 (w)

(yòuxiàn) snare

诱饵 (w)

(yòuěr) bait

诱骗 (w)

(yòupiàn) to entice; to lure; to scam; to hoodwink; to decoy