
(zhēn) chaste

贞女 (w)

(zhēnnǚ) female virgin; widow who does not remarry

贞德 (w)

(zhēndé) Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English; also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan

贞操 (w)

(zhēncāo) chastity; virginity; virtue; honor; loyalty; moral integrity

贞操带 (w)

(zhēncāodài) chastity belt

贞洁 (w)

(zhēnjié) chastity

贞烈 (w)

(zhēnliè) ready to die to preserve one's chastity

贞节 (w)

(zhēnjié) chastity; virginity (of women); moral integrity (of men); loyalty; constancy

贞丰 (w)

(zhēnfēng) Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou

贞丰县 (w)

(zhēnfēngxiàn) Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou