
(cái) money; wealth; riches; property; valuables

财主 (w)

(cáizhǔ) rich man; moneybags

财利 (w)

(cáilì) wealth and profit; riches

财力 (w)

(cáilì) financial resources; financial ability

财务 (w)

(cáiwù) financial affairs

财务再保险 (w)

(cáiwùzàibǎoxiǎn) financial reinsurance; fin re

财务大臣 (w)

(cáiwùdàchén) finance minister

财务秘书 (w)

(cáiwùmìshū) treasurer

财务软件 (w)

(cáiwùruǎnjiàn) financial software; accounting software

财团 (w)

(cáituán) financial group

财大气粗 (w)

(cáidàqìcū) large wealth, vulgar spirit (idiom); rich and ostentatious; filthy rich; more money than sense

财富 (w)

(cáifù) wealth; riches

财宝 (w)

(cáibǎo) money and valuables

财帛 (w)

(cáibó) wealth; money

财年 (w)

(cáinián) fiscal year; financial year

财政 (w)

(cáizhèng) finances (public); financial

财政大臣 (w)

(cáizhèngdàchén) finance minister; UK chancellor of exchequer

财政年度 (w)

(cáizhèngniándù) financial year; fiscal year (e.g. from April to March, for tax purposes)

财政部 (w)

(cáizhèngbù) Ministry of Finance

财政部长 (w)

(cáizhèngbùzhǎng) minister of finance (e.g. of PRC)

财会 (w)

(cáikuài) finance and accounting

财东 (w)

(cáidōng) shop owner; moneybags

财权 (w)

(cáiquán) property ownership or right; financial power; financial control

财源 (w)

(cáiyuán) financial resources; source of revenue

财源滚滚 (w)

(cáiyuángǔngǔn) profits pouring in from all sides (idiom); raking in money; bonanza

财物 (w)

(cáiwù) property; belongings

财产 (w)

(cáichǎn) property; CL:筆|笔[bi3]

财产价值 (w)

(cáichǎnjiàzhí) property value

财产公证 (w)

(cáichǎngōngzhèng) property notarization

财产权 (w)

(cáichǎnquán) property rights

财相 (w)

(cáixiāng) minister of finance (e.g. of UK or Japan)

财神 (w)

(cáishén) god of wealth

财神爷 (w)

(cáishényé) god of wealth; very wealthy man

财经 (w)

(cáijīng) finance and economics

财贸 (w)

(cáimào) finance and trade

财赋 (w)

(cáifù) government revenue; tributary goods and finances; finances and taxes; wealth; property; belongings

财路 (w)

(cáilù) livelihood

财迷 (w)

(cáimí) money grubber; miser

财长 (w)

(cáizhǎng) treasurer; head of finances; minister of finance

财阀 (w)

(cáifá) plutocracy; monopolistic corporation, esp. prewar Japanese zaibatsu; Korean chaebol; plutocrat; tycoon; oligarch; financial magnate