
(xián) worthy or virtuous person; honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation

贤人 (w)

(xiánrén) great person of the past; venerable forebear; the great and the good

贤内助 (w)

(xiánnèizhù) (said of sb else's wife) a good wife

贤劳 (w)

(xiánláo) diligent

贤妻良母 (w)

(xiánqīliángmǔ) a good wife and loving mother

贤弟 (w)

(xiándì) worthy little brother

贤惠 (w)

(xiánhuì) chaste; virtuous

贤才 (w)

(xiáncái) a genius; a talented person

贤明 (w)

(xiánmíng) wise and capable; sagacious

贤淑 (w)

(xiánshū) (of a woman) virtuous

贤淑仁慈 (w)

(xiánshūréncí) a virtuous and benevolent woman (idiom)

贤王 (w)

(xiánwáng) sage kings

贤能 (w)

(xiánnéng) sage

贤良 (w)

(xiánliáng) (of a man) able and virtuous

贤达 (w)

(xiándá) prominent and worthy personage