
(huò) goods; money; commodity; CL:個|个[ge4]

货仓 (w)

(huòcāng) a warehouse

货值 (w)

(huòzhí) value (of goods)

货品 (w)

(huòpǐn) goods

货商场 (w)

(huòshāngchǎng) department store

货币 (w)

(huòbì) currency; monetary; money

货币主义 (w)

(huòbìzhǔyì) monetarism

货币供应量 (w)

(huòbìgōngyìngliàng) money supply

货币兑换 (w)

(huòbìduìhuàn) currency exchange

货币危机 (w)

(huòbìwēijī) monetary crisis

货币市场 (w)

(huòbìshìchǎng) money market

货币贬值 (w)

(huòbìbiǎnzhí) currency devaluation; to devaluate a currency

货摊 (w)

(huòtān) vendor's stall

货架 (w)

(huòjià) shelf for goods; shop shelf

货栈 (w)

(huòzhàn) a warehouse

货机 (w)

(huòjī) cargo plane

货柜 (w)

(huòguì) container (for freight transport); see 集裝箱|集装箱[ji2 zhuang1 xiang1]

货款 (w)

(huòkuǎn) payment for goods

货比三家 (w)

(huòbǐsānjiā) to comparison shop (idiom); comparison shopping

货源 (w)

(huòyuán) supply of goods

货物 (w)

(huòwù) goods; commodity; merchandise; CL:宗[zong1]

货物运输 (w)

(huòwùyùnshū) freight or cargo transportation

货真价实 (w)

(huòzhēnjiàshí) genuine goods at fair prices

货站 (w)

(huòzhàn) a store; the collection point in a store

货船 (w)

(huòchuán) cargo ship; freighter

货车 (w)

(huòchē) van

货载 (w)

(huòzài) cargo

货轮 (w)

(huòlún) freighter; cargo ship; CL:艘[sou1]

货运 (w)

(huòyùn) freight transport; cargo; transported goods

货运列车 (w)

(huòyùnlièchē) goods train; freight train

货运卡车 (w)

(huòyùnkǎchē) freight truck