
(zhì) character; nature; quality; plain; to pawn; pledge; hostage; to question; Taiwan pr. [zhi2]

质问 (w)

(zhìwèn) to question; to ask questions; to inquire; to bring to account; to interrogate

质因数 (w)

(zhìyīnshù) prime factor (in arithmetic)

质地 (w)

(zhìdì) texture; background (texture); grain; quality; character; disposition

质子 (w)

(zhìzǐ) proton (positively charged nuclear particle); a prince sent to be held as a hostage in a neighbouring state in ancient China

质子数 (w)

(zhìzǐshù) proton number in nucleus; atomic number

质子轰击 (w)

(zhìzǐhōngjī) proton bombardment

质库 (w)

(zhìkù) pawnshop (old)

质心 (w)

(zhìxīn) center of gravity; barycenter

质感 (w)

(zhìgǎn) realism (in art); sense of reality; texture; tactile quality

质数 (w)

(zhìshù) prime number

质料 (w)

(zhìliào) material; matter

质明 (w)

(zhìmíng) at dawn

质朴 (w)

(zhìpǔ) simple; plain; unadorned; unaffected; unsophisticated; rustic; earthy

质检 (w)

(zhìjiǎn) quarantine; quality inspection

质检局 (w)

(zhìjiǎnjú) quarantine bureau; quality inspection office

质疑 (w)

(zhìyí) to call into question; to question (truth or validity)

质的飞跃 (w)

(zhìdefēiyuè) qualitative leap

质直 (w)

(zhìzhí) upright; straightforward

质粒 (w)

(zhìlì) plasmid

质素 (w)

(zhìsù) (high) quality

质询 (w)

(zhìxún) to question; to enquire; interrogatory

质谱 (w)

(zhìpǔ) mass spectrometry

质谱仪 (w)

(zhìpǔyí) mass spectrometer

质变 (w)

(zhìbiàn) qualitative change; fundamental change

质量 (w)

(zhìliàng) quality; mass (in physics); CL:個|个[ge4]

质量保障 (w)

(zhìliàngbǎozhàng) quality assurance (QA)

质量数 (w)

(zhìliàngshù) atomic weight of an element; atomic mass

质量检查 (w)

(zhìliàngjiǎnchá) mass inspection; analysis by mass spectroscopy

质量管理 (w)

(zhìliàngguǎnlǐ) quality management

质铺 (w)

(zhìpù) pawn shop

质难 (w)

(zhìnàn) to blame

质点 (w)

(zhìdiǎn) point mass; particle