
(tiē) to stick; to paste; to keep close to; to fit snugly; to subsidize; allowance (e.g. money for food or housing); sticker; classifier for sticking plaster: strip

贴切 (w)

(tiēqiè) close-fitting; closest (translation)

贴合 (w)

(tiēhé) to adjust closely; to fit

贴吧 (w)

(tiēba) electronic message board; web forum

贴士 (w)

(tiēshì) tip; hint; inside story

贴心 (w)

(tiēxīn) intimate; close; considerate

贴息 (w)

(tiēxī) to discount the interest on a bill of exchange

贴旦 (w)

(tiēdàn) female supporting actress in a Chinese opera

贴水 (w)

(tiēshuǐ) agio (charge for changing currency); premium

贴现 (w)

(tiēxiàn) discount; rebate

贴现率 (w)

(tiēxiànlǜ) discount rate

贴生 (w)

(tiēshēng) male supporting actor in a Chinese opera

贴画 (w)

(tiēhuà) pinup picture; poster

贴纸 (w)

(tiēzhǐ) sticker

贴身 (w)

(tiēshēn) worn next to the skin; close-fitting; personal (servant etc)

贴身卫队 (w)

(tiēshēnwèiduì) personal bodyguard

贴近 (w)

(tiējìn) to press close to; to snuggle close; intimate

贴边 (w)

(tiēbiān) hem (of a garment); to be relevant

贴锡箔 (w)

(tiēxībó) to decorate with tin foil

贴题 (w)

(tiētí) relevant; pertinent