
(yí) to present; to bequeath

贻人口实 (w)

(yírénkǒushí) to make oneself an object of ridicule

贻害 (w)

(yíhài) to have bad consequences

贻害无穷 (w)

(yíhàiwúqióng) to have disastrous consequences

贻燕 (w)

(yíyàn) to leave peace for the future generations

贻笑 (w)

(yíxiào) to be ridiculous; to make a fool of oneself

贻笑大方 (w)

(yíxiàodàfāng) to make a fool of oneself; to make oneself a laughing stock

贻笑方家 (w)

(yíxiàofāngjiā) a novice making a fool of himself; to make oneself ridiculous before experts

贻范古今 (w)

(yífàngǔjīn) to leave an example for all generations

贻误 (w)

(yíwù) to mislead; to affect adversely; to bungle; to cause delay or hindrance

贻贝 (w)

(yíbèi) mussel