
(fù) to go; to visit (e.g. another country); to attend (a banquet etc)

赴任 (w)

(fùrèn) to travel to take up a new post

赴会 (w)

(fùhuì) to go to a meeting

赴死 (w)

(fùsǐ) to meet death

赴汤蹈火 (w)

(fùtāngdǎohuǒ) to go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty

赴约 (w)

(fùyuē) to keep an appointment

赴考 (w)

(fùkǎo) to go and sit an examination

赴台 (w)

(fùtái) to visit Taiwan

赴华 (w)

(fùhuá) to visit China

赴阴曹 (w)

(fùyīncáo) to enter hell