
(gǎn) to catch up; to overtake; to hurry; to rush; to drive away

赶上 (w)

(gǎnshàng) to keep up with; to catch up with; to overtake; to chance upon; in time for

赶不上 (w)

(gǎnbùshàng) can't keep up with; can't catch up with; cannot overtake

赶不及 (w)

(gǎnbùjí) not enough time (to do sth); too late (to do sth)

赶来 (w)

(gǎnlái) to rush over

赶出 (w)

(gǎnchū) to drive away

赶到 (w)

(gǎndào) to hurry (to some place)

赶前不赶后 (w)

(gǎnqiánbùgǎnhòu) it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (idiom)

赶往 (w)

(gǎnwǎng) to hurry to (somewhere)

赶得及 (w)

(gǎndéjí) there is still time (to do sth); to be able to do sth in time; to be able to make it

赶忙 (w)

(gǎnmáng) to hurry; to hasten; to make haste

赶快 (w)

(gǎnkuài) at once; immediately

赶早 (w)

(gǎnzǎo) as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late

赶明儿 (w)

(gǎnmíngr) (coll.) some day; one of these days

赶时髦 (w)

(gǎnshímáo) to keep up with the latest fashion

赶浪头 (w)

(gǎnlàngtou) to follow the trend

赶紧 (w)

(gǎnjǐn) hurriedly; without delay

赶考 (w)

(gǎnkǎo) to go and take an imperial examination

赶脚 (w)

(gǎnjiǎo) to work as a carter or porter; to transport goods for a living (esp. by donkey)

赶走 (w)

(gǎnzǒu) to drive out; to turn back

赶赴 (w)

(gǎnfù) to hurry; to rush

赶超 (w)

(gǎnchāo) to overtake

赶跑 (w)

(gǎnpǎo) to drive away; to force out; to repel

赶路 (w)

(gǎnlù) to hasten on with one's journey; to hurry on

赶车 (w)

(gǎnchē) to drive a cart

赶集 (w)

(gǎnjí) to go to market; to go to a fair

赶鸭子上架 (w)

(gǎnyāzishàngjià) drive a duck onto a perch; push sb to do sth way beyond their ability (idiom)