
(qǐ) to rise; to raise; to get up; to set out; to start; to appear; to launch; to initiate (action); to draft; to establish; to get (from a depot or counter); verb suffix, to start; (before place or time) starting from; classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance; classifier for groups: batch, group

起亚 (w)

(qǐyà) Kia (Motors)

起伏 (w)

(qǐfú) to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs

起来 (w)

(qǐlai) to stand up; to get up; (after a verb) with an upward movement

起来 (w)

(qilai) (after a verb, indicates beginning or completeness)

起价 (w)

(qǐjià) initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer); prices starting from

起先 (w)

(qǐxiān) at first; in the beginning

起初 (w)

(qǐchū) originally; at first; at the outset

起劲 (w)

(qǐjìn) vigorously; energetically; enthusiastically

起动 (w)

(qǐdòng) to start up (a motor); to launch (a computer application)

起动钮 (w)

(qǐdòngniǔ) starter button; on switch

起司蛋糕 (w)

(qǐsīdàngāo) cheesecake

起名 (w)

(qǐmíng) to name; to christen; to take a name

起名儿 (w)

(qǐmíngr) erhua variant of 起名, to name; to christen; to take a name

起因 (w)

(qǐyīn) cause; a factor (leading to an effect)

起士 (w)

(qǐshì) cheese (loanword used in Taiwan)

起士蛋糕 (w)

(qǐshìdàngāo) cheesecake

起始 (w)

(qǐshǐ) to originate

起子 (w)

(qǐzi) baking soda (used to leaven bread); screwdriver; bottle opener

起居 (w)

(qǐjū) everyday life; regular pattern of life

起居室 (w)

(qǐjūshì) living room; sitting room

起床 (w)

(qǐchuáng) to get out of bed; to get up

起床号 (w)

(qǐchuángháo) reveille

起意 (w)

(qǐyì) to conceive a scheme; to devise a plan

起搏器 (w)

(qǐbóqì) artificial pacemaker

起扑 (w)

(qǐpū) chip shot (golf)

起扑杆 (w)

(qǐpūgān) chipper (golf)

起敬 (w)

(qǐjìng) to feel respect

起早贪黑 (w)

(qǐzǎotānhēi) to rise early and sleep late

起模范 (w)

(qǐmófàn) to set an example

起步 (w)

(qǐbù) to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity)

起死回生 (w)

(qǐsǐhuíshēng) to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery

起毛 (w)

(qǐmáo) fluff; lint; to feel nervous

起泡 (w)

(qǐpào) to bubble; to foam; to blister; to sprout boils (on one's body); sparkling (wine etc)

起泡沫 (w)

(qǐpàomò) to emit bubbles; to bubble; to foam (with rage); to seethe

起源 (w)

(qǐyuán) origin; to originate; to come from

起火 (w)

(qǐhuǒ) to catch fire

起爆 (w)

(qǐbào) to explode; to set off an explosion; to detonate

起用 (w)

(qǐyòng) to promote; to reinstate (in a position or job)

起皱纹 (w)

(qǐzhòuwén) to shrivel

起码 (w)

(qǐmǎ) at the minimum; at the very least

起磁 (w)

(qǐcí) magnetization; to magnetize

起程 (w)

(qǐchéng) to set out; to leave

起立 (w)

(qǐlì) to stand; Stand up!

起义 (w)

(qǐyì) uprising; insurrection; revolt

起航 (w)

(qǐháng) (of a ship) to set sail; (of an aeroplane) to take off; also written 啟航|启航[qi3 hang2]

起草 (w)

(qǐcǎo) draft (a bill); draw up (plans)

起落 (w)

(qǐluò) to rise and fall; take-off and landing; ups and downs

起落场 (w)

(qǐluòchǎng) airfield; take-off and landing strip

起落架 (w)

(qǐluòjià) undercarriage

起落装置 (w)

(qǐluòzhuāngzhì) aircraft take-off and landing gear

起见 (w)

(qǐjiàn) motive; purpose; (sth) being the motive or purpose

起讫 (w)

(qǐqì) beginning and end (dates)

起诉 (w)

(qǐsù) to sue; to bring a lawsuit against; to prosecute

起诉员 (w)

(qǐsùyuán) prosecutor

起诉书 (w)

(qǐsùshū) indictment (law); statement of charges (law)

起诉者 (w)

(qǐsùzhě) plaintiff

起誓 (w)

(qǐshì) to vow; to swear an oath

起课 (w)

(qǐkè) to divine

起讲 (w)

(qǐjiǎng) to start a story

起跑 (w)

(qǐpǎo) to start running; the start of a race

起跑线 (w)

(qǐpǎoxiàn) the starting line (of a race); scratch line (in a relay race)

起身 (w)

(qǐshēn) to get up; to leave; to set forth

起迄 (w)

(qǐqì) start and end (dates); origin and destination

起造员 (w)

(qǐzàoyuán) draftsman; draughtsman

起重机 (w)

(qǐzhòngjī) crane

起重葫芦 (w)

(qǐchónghúlu) hoist pulley

起锚 (w)

(qǐmáo) to weigh anchor

起降 (w)

(qǐjiàng) taking off and landing

起云剂 (w)

(qǐyúnjì) clouding agent; emulsifier

起电机 (w)

(qǐdiànjī) electric generator; dynamo

起头 (w)

(qǐtóu) to start; at first; beginning

起飞 (w)

(qǐfēi) to take off (in an airplane)

起飞弹射 (w)

(qǐfēitánshè) take-off catapult (on aircraft carrier)

起哄 (w)

(qǐhòng) to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a disturbance

起点 (w)

(qǐdiǎn) starting point

起点线 (w)

(qǐdiǎnxiàn) starting line