
(chāo) to exceed; to overtake; to surpass; to transcend; to pass; to cross; ultra-; super-

超人 (w)

(chāorén) Superman, comic book superhero

超人 (w)

(chāorén) superhuman; exceptional

超凡 (w)

(chāofán) out of the ordinary; exceedingly (good)

超出 (w)

(chāochū) to exceed; to overstep; to go too far; to encroach

超前 (w)

(chāoqián) to be ahead of one's time; to surpass or outdo one's predecessors; to be ahead of the pack; to take the lead; advanced

超前意识 (w)

(chāoqiányìshí) foresight

超前消费 (w)

(chāoqiánxiāofèi) excessive consumption; overspending on luxuries

超前瞄准 (w)

(chāoqiánmiáozhǔn) to aim in front of a moving target

超升 (w)

(chāoshēng) exaltation

超商 (w)

(chāoshāng) convenience store; supermarket

超基性岩 (w)

(chāojīxìngyán) ultrabasic rock (geology, rock containing less than 45 percent silicates)

超媒体 (w)

(chāoméitǐ) hypermedia

超对称 (w)

(chāoduìchèn) supersymmetry

超导 (w)

(chāodǎo) superconductor; superconductivity (physics)

超导电 (w)

(chāodǎodiàn) superconductance (physics)

超导电性 (w)

(chāodǎodiànxìng) superconductivity (physics)

超导电体 (w)

(chāodǎodiàntǐ) superconductor

超导体 (w)

(chāodǎotǐ) superconductor

超市 (w)

(chāoshì) supermarket (abbr.); CL:家[jia1]

超平面 (w)

(chāopíngmiàn) hyperplane (math.)

超度 (w)

(chāodù) to surpass; to transcend; to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace

超弦 (w)

(chāoxián) super-string

超弦理论 (w)

(chāoxiánlǐlùn) (super-) string theory

超我 (w)

(chāowǒ) superego

超支 (w)

(chāozhī) to overspend

超敏反应 (w)

(chāomǐnfǎnyìng) hypersensitivity

超文件 (w)

(chāowénjiàn) hypertext

超文件传输协定 (w)

(chāowénjiànchuánshūxiédìng) hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP

超文本 (w)

(chāowénběn) hypertext

超文本传输协定 (w)

(chāowénběnchuánshūxiédìng) hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP

超文本传送协议 (w)

(chāowénběnchuánsòngxiéyì) hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

超文本标记语言 (w)

(chāowénběnbiāojìyǔyán) hypertext markup language; HTML

超新星 (w)

(chāoxīnxīng) supernova

超新星剩余 (w)

(chāoxīnxīngshèngyú) supernova residue (a type of nebula)

超标 (w)

(chāobiāo) to exceed the norm; to be over the limit

超模 (w)

(chāomó) supermodel

超泛神论 (w)

(chāofànshénlùn) panentheism, theological theory of God as equal to the Universe while transcending it

超渡 (w)

(chāodù) variant of 超度[chao1 du4]

超然世事 (w)

(chāoránshìshì) to consider oneself above worldly matters (idiom)

超物理 (w)

(chāowùlǐ) surpassing the physical world; metaphysical

超生 (w)

(chāoshēng) to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy; to be reincarnated; to be lenient

超产 (w)

(chāochǎn) to exceed a production goal

超界 (w)

(chāojiè) super-kingdom (taxonomy)

超短波 (w)

(chāoduǎnbō) ultra short wave (radio); UHF

超短裙 (w)

(chāoduǎnqún) miniskirt

超等 (w)

(chāoděng) superior grade

超级 (w)

(chāojí) super-; ultra-; hyper-

超级大国 (w)

(chāojídàguó) superpower

超级市场 (w)

(chāojíshìchǎng) supermarket

超级强国 (w)

(chāojíqiángguó) superpower

超级杯 (w)

(chāojíbēi) Super cup (various sports); Super Bowl (American football championship game)

超级杯 (w)

(chāojíbēi) Super cup (various sports); Super Bowl (American football championship game)

超级走廊 (w)

(chāojízǒuláng) super-corridor (media); information super-highway

超级链接 (w)

(chāojíliànjiē) hyperlink (in HTML)

超绝 (w)

(chāojué) surpassing; excelling; preeminent; unique

超经验 (w)

(chāojīngyàn) extra-empirical; outside one's experience

超维空间 (w)

(chāowéikōngjiān) hyperspace; superspace; higher dimensional space

超群 (w)

(chāoqún) surpassing; preeminent; outstanding

超群绝伦 (w)

(chāoqúnjuélún) outstanding (idiom); incomparable

超联 (w)

(chāolián) hyperlink; superleague (e.g. soccer)

超联结 (w)

(chāoliánjié) hyperlink

超声 (w)

(chāoshēng) ultrasonic

超声扫描 (w)

(chāoshēngsǎomiáo) ultrasonic scan

超声波 (w)

(chāoshēngbō) ultrasound (scan)

超声波检查 (w)

(chāoshēngbōjiǎnchá) echography; ultrasound scan

超声诊断 (w)

(chāoshēngzhěnduàn) ultrasonic diagnosis; diagnosis using ultrasonic scan

超声频 (w)

(chāoshēngpín) ultrasonic; beyond human hearing

超脱 (w)

(chāotuō) to stand aloof; to be detached from; to transcend worldliness; untrammeled; unconventional

超临界 (w)

(chāolínjiè) supercritical

超自然 (w)

(chāozìrán) supernatural

超负荷 (w)

(chāofùhè) excess load; an overload; overloaded

超越 (w)

(chāoyuè) to surpass; to exceed; to transcend

超越数 (w)

(chāoyuèshù) transcendental number (math.)

超足球 (w)

(chāozúqiú) premier soccer league; superleague

超距作用 (w)

(chāojùzuòyòng) action at a distance (e.g. gravitational force)

超车 (w)

(chāochē) to overtake (another car)

超载 (w)

(chāozài) to overload

超速 (w)

(chāosù) to exceed the speed limit; to speed; high-speed

超连结 (w)

(chāoliánjié) hyperlink

超过 (w)

(chāoguò) to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip

超过限度 (w)

(chāoguòxiàndù) to exceed; to go beyond; to overstep the limit

超迁 (w)

(chāoqiān) (literary) to be promoted more than one grade or rank at a time; to be promoted ahead of time

超重 (w)

(chāozhòng) overweight (baggage, freight)

超重氢 (w)

(chāozhòngqīng) tritium; 3H; radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nucleus, so atomic weight 3

超链接 (w)

(chāoliànjiē) hyperlink, link

超音波 (w)

(chāoyīnbō) ultrasound; ultrasonic wave

超音速 (w)

(chāoyīnsù) supersonic

超频 (w)

(chāopín) overclocking

超额 (w)

(chāoé) above quota

超额订购 (w)

(chāoédìnggòu) to overbook

超额认 (w)

(chāoérèn) (a share issue is) oversubscribed

超额认购 (w)

(chāoérèngòu) (a share issue is) oversubscribed

超额配 (w)

(chāoépèi) oversubscribed

超额配股权 (w)

(chāoépèigǔquán) an oversubscribed share

超高速 (w)

(chāogāosù) ultra high speed

超高速乙太网路 (w)

(chāogāosùyǐtàiwǎnglù) Gigabit Ethernet

超龄 (w)

(chāolíng) too old; overage