
(yuè) generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods; abbr. for Vietnam 越南


(yuè) to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more

越位 (w)

(yuèwèi) offside (sports)

越来越 (w)

(yuèláiyuè) more and more

越俎代庖 (w)

(yuèzǔdàipáo) lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs; to take matters into one's own hands

越侨 (w)

(yuèqiáo) Vietnamese resident in other countries (including in China)

越共 (w)

(yuègòng) the Vietnamese communist party

越冬 (w)

(yuèdōng) to pass the winter; to overwinter; to hibernate

越出界线 (w)

(yuèchūjièxiàn) to exceed; to overstep the limit

越剧 (w)

(yuèjù) Shaoxing opera

越南 (w)

(yuènán) Vietnam; Vietnamese

越南共产党 (w)

(yuènángòngchǎndǎng) Communist Party of Vietnam

越南刺鳑鲏 (w)

(yuènáncìpángpí) Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis Vaillant (small carp)

越南战争 (w)

(yuènánzhànzhēng) Vietnam war; Vietnam conflict

越南文 (w)

(yuènánwén) Vietnamese written language; Vietnamese literature

越南语 (w)

(yuènányǔ) Vietnamese language, Tiếng Việt

越国 (w)

(yuèguó) Yue state; generic term for states in south China or southeast Asia at different historical periods

越城 (w)

(yuèchéng) Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興市|绍兴市[Shao4 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang

越城区 (w)

(yuèchéngqū) Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興市|绍兴市[Shao4 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang

越城岭 (w)

(yuèchénglǐng) Yuecheng mountain range between south Hunan and Guangxi

越境 (w)

(yuèjìng) to cross a border (usually illegally); to sneak in or out of a country

越席 (w)

(yuèxí) to leave one's seat

越帮越忙 (w)

(yuèbāngyuèmáng) to be officious; to kibitz; to be meddlesome; to force one's help upon

越快越好 (w)

(yuèkuàiyuèhǎo) the faster the better

越战 (w)

(yuèzhàn) Vietnam War

越描越黑 (w)

(yuèmiáoyuèhēi) lit. the more you touch things up, the darker they get; fig. to only make matters worse

越文 (w)

(yuèwén) Vietnamese written language; Vietnamese literature

越橘 (w)

(yuèjú) cowberry; blue berry

越权 (w)

(yuèquán) to go beyond one's authority; arrogation

越狱 (w)

(yuèyù) to break out of prison

越狱犯 (w)

(yuèyùfàn) escaped prisoner

越王勾践 (w)

(yuèwánggōujiàn) King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸

越界 (w)

(yuèjiè) to cross a border; to overstep a bound

越发 (w)

(yuèfā) increasingly; more and more; ever more; all the more

越礼 (w)

(yuèlǐ) to overstep etiquette; not to observe priorities

越秀 (w)

(yuèxiù) Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong

越秀区 (w)

(yuèxiùqū) Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong

越级 (w)

(yuèjí) to skip a grade; to bypass ranks; to go over the head of one's boss

越职 (w)

(yuèzhí) to exceed one's authority; to go beyond the bounds of one's job

越西 (w)

(yuèxī) Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan

越西县 (w)

(yuèxīxiàn) Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan

越轨 (w)

(yuèguǐ) overstepping the rails; an aberration

越过 (w)

(yuèguò) to cross over; to transcend; to cover distance; to overcome; to rise above

越野 (w)

(yuèyě) cross country

越野赛跑 (w)

(yuèyěsàipǎo) cross-country running

越野跑 (w)

(yuèyěpǎo) cross country running

越野车 (w)

(yuèyěchē) off-road vehicle; all terrain vehicle; sport utility vehicle

越障 (w)

(yuèzhàng) to surmount obstacles; assault course for training troops

越飞 (w)

(yuèfēi) Adolph Abramovich Joffe (1883-1927), Soviet and Comintern diplomat and spy in 1922-23 in Republican China