
(qū) to hasten; to hurry; to walk fast; to approach; to tend towards; to converge

趋之若鹜 (w)

(qūzhīruòwù) to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable; an unruly crowd on a wild goose chase

趋冷 (w)

(qūlěng) a cold tendency; a freeze (in relations)

趋冷气候 (w)

(qūlěngqìhòu) cooling; a cold spell

趋力 (w)

(qūlì) driving force

趋势 (w)

(qūshì) trend; tendency

趋化作用 (w)

(qūhuàzuòyòng) chemotaxis (movement of leukocytes under chemical stimulus)

趋吉避凶 (w)

(qūjíbìxiōng) to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom)

趋同 (w)

(qūtóng) to converge

趋向 (w)

(qūxiàng) direction; trend; to incline

趋奉 (w)

(qūfèng) to fawn on; to kiss up to

趋于 (w)

(qūyú) to tend towards

趋时 (w)

(qūshí) to follow fashion

趋炎附势 (w)

(qūyánfùshì) to curry favor (idiom); playing up to those in power; social climbing

趋缓 (w)

(qūhuǎn) to slow down; to ease up; to abate; slowdown; downturn

趋近 (w)

(qūjìn) to approach (a numerical value); to converge to a limit (in calculus); convergence

趋附 (w)

(qūfù) to ingratiate oneself