
(jù) excessive


(zú) foot; to be sufficient; ample

足下 (w)

(zúxià) you (used to a superior or between persons of the same generation); below the foot

足不出户 (w)

(zúbùchūhù) lit. not putting a foot outside; to stay at home

足以 (w)

(zúyǐ) sufficient to...; so much so that; so that

足以自慰 (w)

(zúyǐzìwèi) to have sufficient to console oneself (idiom)

足利 (w)

(zúlì) Ashikaga (name)

足利・义政 (w)

(zúlìyìzhèng) ASHIKAGA Yoshimasa (1435-1490), eighth Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1449-1473

足利・义满 (w)

(zúlìyìmǎn) ASHIKAGA Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), third Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1368-1394

足利义稙 (w)

(zúlìyìzhí) Ashikaga Yoshitane (1466-1523), Japanese Muromachi shogun 1490-93

足协 (w)

(zúxié) soccer league; same as 足球協會|足球协会

足印 (w)

(zúyìn) footprint

足坛 (w)

(zútán) soccer circles; soccer world

足够 (w)

(zúgòu) enough; sufficient

足大指 (w)

(zúdàzhǐ) big toe

足智多谋 (w)

(zúzhìduōmóu) resourceful; full of stratagems

足月 (w)

(zúyuè) full-term (gestation)

足本 (w)

(zúběn) unabridged; complete book

足岁 (w)

(zúsuì) method of calculating a person's age in years from birth; see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]; see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]

足球 (w)

(zúqiú) football; soccer; CL:個|个[ge4]

足球协会 (w)

(zúqiúxiéhuì) soccer league

足球场 (w)

(zúqiúchǎng) football field; soccer field

足球赛 (w)

(zúqiúsài) soccer match; soccer competition

足球迷 (w)

(zúqiúmí) football fan

足球队 (w)

(zúqiúduì) soccer team

足疗 (w)

(zúliáo) pedicure; foot massage

足见 (w)

(zújiàn) it goes to show that; one can see

足赤 (w)

(zúchì) pure gold; solid gold

足足 (w)

(zúzú) fully; no less than; as much as; extremely

足迹 (w)

(zújì) footprint; track; spoor

足踝靴 (w)

(zúhuáixuē) ankle boots

足轮 (w)

(zúlún) foot shakra

足量 (w)

(zúliàng) sufficient amount; full amount

足金 (w)

(zújīn) pure gold; solid gold

足额 (w)

(zúé) sufficient or full (payment)

足高气强 (w)

(zúgāoqìjiàng) high and mighty (idiom); arrogant

足高气扬 (w)

(zúgāoqìyáng) high and mighty (idiom); arrogant