
(yuè) to jump; to leap

跃居 (w)

(yuèjū) to vault

跃然 (w)

(yuèrán) to show forth; to appear as a vivid image; to stand out markedly

跃然纸上 (w)

(yuèránzhǐshàng) to appear vividly on paper (idiom); to show forth vividly (in writing, painting etc); to stand out markedly

跃跃欲试 (w)

(yuèyuèyùshì) to be eager to give sth a try (idiom)

跃进 (w)

(yuèjìn) make a leap; leap forward

跃迁 (w)

(yuèqiān) transition; jump (e.g. quantum leap in spectroscopy)

跃马 (w)

(yuèmǎ) to gallop; to spur on a horse; to let one's steed have his head

跃龙 (w)

(yuèlóng) allosaurus