
(tiào) to jump; to hop; to skip over; to bounce; to palpitate

跳井 (w)

(tiàojǐng) to jump into a well (to drown oneself, esp. of ladies in fiction)

跳伞 (w)

(tiàosǎn) to parachute; to bail out; parachute jumping

跳价 (w)

(tiàojià) price jump

跳出 (w)

(tiàochū) to jump out; fig. to appear suddenly

跳出火坑 (w)

(tiàochūhuǒkēng) lit. to jump out of a fire pit (idiom); to escape from a living hell; to free oneself from a life of torture

跳出釜底进火坑 (w)

(tiàochūfǔdǐjìnhuǒkēng) out of the frying pan into the fire (idiom)

跳动 (w)

(tiàodòng) to throb; to pulse; to bounce; to jiggle; to jump about

跳弹 (w)

(tiàodàn) ricochet

跳房子 (w)

(tiàofángzi) hopscotch; to play hopscotch

跳板 (w)

(tiàobǎn) springboard; jumping-off point; gangplank

跳棋 (w)

(tiàoqí) Chinese checkers

跳槽 (w)

(tiàocáo) to change jobs; job-hopping

跳楼 (w)

(tiàolóu) to jump from a building (to kill oneself); fig. to sell at a large discount (in advertising)

跳水 (w)

(tiàoshuǐ) to dive; diving (sport, a Chinese specialty)

跳皮筋 (w)

(tiàopíjīn) to play rubber band jump rope

跳票 (w)

(tiàopiào) bounced (bank) check

跳级 (w)

(tiàojí) to jump a year (at college)

跳级生 (w)

(tiàojíshēng) student who jumps a year

跳脚 (w)

(tiàojiǎo) to stamp one's feet in anger; tantrum of temper or anxiety; a stomping fit

跳台 (w)

(tiàotái) diving platform; diving tower; landing platform

跳台滑雪 (w)

(tiàotáihuáxuě) ski jumping

跳舞 (w)

(tiàowǔ) to dance

跳蚤 (w)

(tiàozao) flea

跳蚤市场 (w)

(tiàozǎoshìchǎng) flea market

跳跃 (w)

(tiàoyuè) to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip

跳进 (w)

(tiàojìn) plunge; jump into

跳进黄河说不清 (w)

(tiàojìnhuánghéshuōbùqīng) lit. even jumping into the Yellow River can't get you clean; fig. to become inexorably mixed up; mired in controversy; in deep trouble

跳远 (w)

(tiàoyuǎn) long jump (athletics)

跳闸 (w)

(tiàozhá) (of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip

跳集体舞 (w)

(tiàojítǐwǔ) communal dancing

跳频 (w)

(tiàopín) frequency-hopping spread spectrum

跳马 (w)

(tiàomǎ) vaulting horse (gymnastics)

跳高 (w)

(tiàogāo) high jump (athletics)