
(tà) to tread; to stamp; to step on; to press a pedal; to investigate on the spot

踏上 (w)

(tàshàng) to set foot on; to step on or into

踏勘 (w)

(tàkān) an on-site survey; to explore

踏垫 (w)

(tàdiàn) floor mat; bathroom mat; car mat; doormat

踏实 (w)

(tāshi) practical; down-to-earth; realistic; firmly based; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety

踏春 (w)

(tàchūn) to go for a hike in spring

踏月 (w)

(tàyuè) to go for a walk in the moonlight

踏板 (w)

(tàbǎn) a pedal (in a car, on a piano etc); treadle; footstool; footrest; footboard

踏板车 (w)

(tàbǎnchē) scooter

踏查 (w)

(tàchá) to investigate on the spot

踏歌 (w)

(tàgē) to sing and dance; general term for a round dance

踏步 (w)

(tàbù) stride; to step (on the spot); to mark time; at a standstill

踏步不前 (w)

(tàbùbùqián) to be at a standstill; to mark time

踏看 (w)

(tàkàn) to investigate on the spot

踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫 (w)

(tàpòtiěxiéwúmìchùdéláiquánbùfèigōngfu) to travel far and wide looking for sth, only to find it easily

踏袭 (w)

(tàxí) to follow blindly

踏访 (w)

(tàfǎng) to interview people on the spot; to go around and make inquiries

踏足 (w)

(tàzú) to visit; to land in

踏踏实实 (w)

(tātāshíshí) realistic; down-to-earth; steadfast

踏车 (w)

(tàchē) treadwheel; treadmill

踏进 (w)

(tàjìn) to set foot in; to tread (in or on); to walk into

踏雪 (w)

(tàxuě) to go for a walk in the snow

踏雪寻梅 (w)

(tàxuěxúnméi) to walk in the snow to view the flowering plum

踏青 (w)

(tàqīng) lit. tread the green; go for a walk in the spring (when the grass has turned green); spring hike season around Qingming festival 清明, 4th-6th April

踏青赏春 (w)

(tàqīngshǎngchūn) to enjoy a beautiful spring walk (idiom)

踏青赏花 (w)

(tàqīngshǎnghuā) to enjoy the flowers on a spring outing (idiom)