
(niè) to walk on tiptoe; to walk quietly; to tread (on); to follow

蹑履 (w)

(nièlǚ) to wear shoes

蹑悄悄 (w)

(nièqiāoqiāo) softly; quietly

蹑手蹑脚 (w)

(nièshǒunièjiǎo) to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)

蹑机 (w)

(nièjī) silk loom with a foot peddle

蹑登 (w)

(nièdēng) to go up

蹑脚 (w)

(nièjiǎo) to walk cautiously in order not to make noise

蹑脚根 (w)

(nièjiǎogēn) variant of 躡腳跟|蹑脚跟[nie4 jiao3 gen1]

蹑脚跟 (w)

(nièjiǎogēn) to walk cautiously in order not to make noise

蹑着脚 (w)

(nièzhejiǎo) to tiptoe

蹑足 (w)

(nièzú) to walk on tiptoe; to step on sb's foot; to join (a trade, profession etc); to associate with (a certain group of people)

蹑跟 (w)

(niègēn) too large or small for the feet (of shoes)

蹑蹀 (w)

(nièdié) to walk with mincing steps

蹑踪 (w)

(nièzōng) to follow along behind sb (formal writing)