
(hōng) explosion; bang; boom; rumble; to attack; to shoo away; to expel

轰动 (w)

(hōngdòng) sensation; stir

轰动一时 (w)

(hōngdòngyīshí) to cause a sensation (idiom)

轰动效应 (w)

(hōngdòngxiàoyìng) sensational effect; wild reaction

轰击 (w)

(hōngjī) bombard

轰炸 (w)

(hōngzhà) to bomb; to bombard; CL:陣|阵[zhen4]

轰炸机 (w)

(hōngzhàjī) bomber (aircraft)

轰然 (w)

(hōngrán) loudly; with a loud bang; a loud rumble

轰走 (w)

(hōngzǒu) to drive away

轰赶 (w)

(hōnggǎn) to drive away

轰轰 (w)

(hōnghōng) booming; roaring

轰轰烈烈 (w)

(hōnghōnglièliè) strong; vigorous; large-scale

轰隆 (w)

(hōnglōng) onomat. rumbling; rolling

轰鸣 (w)

(hōngmíng) boom (sound of explosion); rumble