
(fǎn) to return (to)

返利 (w)

(fǎnlì) dealer incentive; sales bonus; rebate

返券黄牛 (w)

(fǎnquànhuángniú) "shopping coupon scalper", sb who sells unwanted or returned shopping coupons to others for a profit

返回 (w)

(fǎnhuí) to return to; to come (or go) back

返国 (w)

(fǎnguó) to return to one's country

返家 (w)

(fǎnjiā) to return home

返岗 (w)

(fǎngǎng) to resume one's former position; to return to work

返港 (w)

(fǎngǎng) to return to Hong Kong

返璞归真 (w)

(fǎnpúguīzhēn) to return to one's true self; to regain the natural state

返程 (w)

(fǎnchéng) return journey (e.g. home)

返老还童 (w)

(fǎnlǎohuántóng) to recover one's youthful vigor; to feel rejuvenated (idiom)

返台 (w)

(fǎntái) to return to Taiwan

返航 (w)

(fǎnháng) return to the point of departure

返还 (w)

(fǎnhuán) restitution; return of something to its original owner; remittance

返还占有 (w)

(fǎnhuánzhànyǒu) repossession

返乡 (w)

(fǎnxiāng) to return to one's home town

返销粮 (w)

(fǎnxiāoliáng) grain bought by the state and resold to areas undergoing a grain shortage

返点 (w)

(fǎndiǎn) sales bonus; affiliate reward; rebate; commission