
(yuǎn) far; distant; remote


(yuàn) to distance oneself from (classical)

远人 (w)

(yuǎnrén) an estranged person; sb who is alienated; people far from home

远劳 (w)

(yuǎnláo) you have made a long and exhausting journey (套语 polite talk); you will make a long trip (when asking a favor that involves going to a far away place)

远古 (w)

(yuǎngǔ) antiquity; ancient times

远因 (w)

(yuǎnyīn) indirect cause; remote cause

远地点 (w)

(yuǎndìdiǎn) apsis

远大 (w)

(yuǎndà) far-reaching; broad; ambitious; promising

远大理想 (w)

(yuǎndàlǐxiǎng) distant ideal

远天 (w)

(yuǎntiān) heaven; the distant sky

远安 (w)

(yuǎnān) Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei

远安县 (w)

(yuǎnānxiàn) Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei

远客 (w)

(yuǎnkè) guest from afar

远征 (w)

(yuǎnzhēng) an expedition, esp. military; march to remote regions

远征军 (w)

(yuǎnzhēngjūn) expeditionary force; army on a distant expedition

远志 (w)

(yuǎnzhì) far-reaching ambition; lofty ideal; milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia), with roots used in Chinese medicine

远虑 (w)

(yuǎnlǜ) long term (considerations); (to take) the long view

远房 (w)

(yuǎnfáng) distantly related; a distant relative

远扬 (w)

(yuǎnyáng) (fame) spreads far and wide

远方 (w)

(yuǎnfāng) far away; a distant location

远方来鸿 (w)

(yuǎnfāngláihóng) letter from afar (literary)

远景 (w)

(yuǎnjǐng) prospect; long-range view

远望 (w)

(yuǎnwàng) to gaze afar; to look into the distance

远期 (w)

(yuǎnqī) long term (loan); at a fixed date in the future (e.g. for repayment)

远未解决 (w)

(yuǎnwèijiějué) far from solved

远东 (w)

(yuǎndōng) Far East

远东豹 (w)

(yuǎndōngbào) Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)

远水不解近渴 (w)

(yuǎnshuǐbùjiějìnkě) lit. distant water does not cure present thirst; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address immediate needs

远水救不了近火 (w)

(yuǎnshuǐjiùbuliǎojìnhuǒ) lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address the current emergency

远洋 (w)

(yuǎnyáng) distant seas; the open ocean (far from the coast)

远涉 (w)

(yuǎnshè) to cross (the wide ocean)

远略 (w)

(yuǎnlüè) long-term strategy

远眺 (w)

(yuǎntiào) to gaze into the distance

远祖 (w)

(yuǎnzǔ) a remote ancestor

远程 (w)

(yuǎnchéng) remote; long distance; long range

远程导弹 (w)

(yuǎnchéngdǎodàn) long distance missile

远程登录 (w)

(yuǎnchéngdēnglù) telnet; rlogin; remote login

远程监控 (w)

(yuǎnchéngjiānkòng) RMON; remote monitoring

远端 (w)

(yuǎnduān) far end; remote end; remote; distant

远端胞浆 (w)

(yuǎnduānbāojiāng) distal cytoplasm

远缘 (w)

(yuǎnyuán) distantly related; remote affinity

远胄 (w)

(yuǎnzhòu) distant descendants

远航 (w)

(yuǎnháng) distant sea voyage

远处 (w)

(yuǎnchù) distant place

远行 (w)

(yuǎnxíng) a long journey; far from home

远见 (w)

(yuǎnjiàn) vision

远见卓识 (w)

(yuǎnjiànzhuóshí) visionary and sagacious (idiom)

远视 (w)

(yuǎnshì) farsighted; hyperopia or hypermetropia (farsightedness)

远亲 (w)

(yuǎnqīn) a distant relative

远亲不如近邻 (w)

(yuǎnqīnbùrújìnlín) A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.

远谋 (w)

(yuǎnmóu) a long term plan; an ambitious strategy

远识 (w)

(yuǎnshí) foresight

远走高飞 (w)

(yuǎnzǒugāofēi) to go far; to escape to faraway places

远超过 (w)

(yuǎnchāoguò) to exceed by far; to outclass

远足 (w)

(yuǎnzú) excursion; hike; march

远距离 (w)

(yuǎnjùlí) long-distance

远距离监视 (w)

(yuǎnjùlíjiānshì) off-site monitoring

远近 (w)

(yuǎnjìn) far and near; distance

远途 (w)

(yuǎntú) long-distance; long-haul

远游 (w)

(yuǎnyóu) to travel far; distant wanderings

远远 (w)

(yuǎnyuǎn) distant

远远超过 (w)

(yuǎnyuǎnchāoguò) surpassing by far

远避 (w)

(yuǎnbì) to keep at a distance; to forsake

远郊 (w)

(yuǎnjiāo) outer suburbs; remote outskirts of a city

远销 (w)

(yuǎnxiāo) to sell to far away lands

远门 (w)

(yuǎnmén) (to go to) distant parts; faraway; a distant relative

远门近枝 (w)

(yuǎnménjìnzhī) near and distant relatives

远隔千里 (w)

(yuǎngéqiānlǐ) thousands of miles away; far away

远离 (w)

(yuǎnlí) to be far from; to keep away from

远非如此 (w)

(yuǎnfēirúcǐ) far from it being so (idiom)