
(pò) to force; to compel; to approach or go towards; urgent; pressing

迫不及待 (w)

(pòbùjídài) impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it

迫不得已 (w)

(pòbùdéyǐ) to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances; forced into sth

迫令 (w)

(pòlìng) to order; to force

迫使 (w)

(pòshǐ) to force; to compel

迫促 (w)

(pòcù) to urge; urgent; pressing

迫切 (w)

(pòqiè) urgent; pressing

迫切性 (w)

(pòqièxìng) urgency

迫在眉睫 (w)

(pòzàiméijié) pressing in on one's eyelashes (idiom); imminent

迫害 (w)

(pòhài) to persecute; persecution

迫击炮 (w)

(pǎijīpào) mortar (weapon)

迫于 (w)

(pòyú) constrained; restricted; forced to; under pressure to do sth

迫胁 (w)

(pòxié) to coerce; fig. narrow

迫临 (w)

(pòlín) to approach; to press in

迫视 (w)

(pòshì) to stare at; to watch intently

迫近 (w)

(pòjìn) to approach; to press in

迫降 (w)

(pòjiàng) to force a plane to land

迫降 (w)

(pòxiáng) to force sb to surrender