
(duī) to sculpt; to carve; musical instrument (old)


(zhuī) to chase after; to seek; to do one's utmost to seek or procure sth; to recall

追上 (w)

(zhuīshàng) to overtake

追亡逐北 (w)

(zhuīwángzhúběi) to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy

追剿 (w)

(zhuījiǎo) to pursue and eliminate; to suppress

追加 (w)

(zhuījiā) to add something extra; an additional increment; addendum; to append; an additional posthumous title

追问 (w)

(zhuīwèn) to question closely; to investigate in detail; to examine minutely; to get to the heart of the matter

追回 (w)

(zhuīhuí) to recover (sth lost or stolen); to get back

追奔逐北 (w)

(zhuībēnzhúběi) to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy

追客 (w)

(zhuīkè) avid fan who anxiously awaits new content

追封 (w)

(zhuīfēng) to confer a posthumous title

追寻 (w)

(zhuīxún) to pursue; to track down; to search

追寻现代中国 (w)

(zhuīxúnxiàndàizhōngguó) In search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁

追念 (w)

(zhuīniàn) to recollect

追思 (w)

(zhuīsī) memorial; recollection (of the deceased)

追思会 (w)

(zhuīsīhuì) memorial service; memorial meeting

追悔 (w)

(zhuīhuǐ) to repent; remorse

追悔莫及 (w)

(zhuīhuǐmòjí) too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.

追悼 (w)

(zhuīdào) mourning; memorial (service etc)

追悼会 (w)

(zhuīdàohuì) a memorial service; a funeral service

追想 (w)

(zhuīxiǎng) to recall

追忆 (w)

(zhuīyì) to recollect; to recall (past times); to look back

追怀 (w)

(zhuīhuái) to recall; to bring to mind; to reminisce

追打 (w)

(zhuīdǎ) to chase and beat

追捕 (w)

(zhuībǔ) to hunt (a criminal); to hunt and capture

追捧 (w)

(zhuīpěng) to chase after (a popular person or item); to pursue; popularity

追击 (w)

(zhuījī) to pursue and attack

追星族 (w)

(zhuīxīngzú) groupie (slang); idolator

追本穷源 (w)

(zhuīběnqióngyuán) to trace sth back to its origin

追查 (w)

(zhuīchá) to investigate; to track down (information)

追根 (w)

(zhuīgēn) to trace sth back to its source; to get to the bottom of sth

追根问底 (w)

(zhuīgēnwèndǐ) lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

追根求源 (w)

(zhuīgēnqiúyuán) to track sth to its roots

追根溯源 (w)

(zhuīgēnsùyuán) to pursue sth back to its origins; to trace back to the source; to get to the bottom of sth

追根究底 (w)

(zhuīgēnjiūdǐ) to get to the heart of the matter

追根究底儿 (w)

(zhuīgēnjiūdǐr) erhua variant of 追根究底, to get to the heart of the matter

追歼 (w)

(zhuījiān) to pursue and kill; to wipe out

追杀 (w)

(zhuīshā) to chase to kill

追比 (w)

(zhuībǐ) to flog; to cane (as punishment)

追求 (w)

(zhuīqiú) to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo

追溯 (w)

(zhuīsù) lit. to go upstream; to trace sth back to; to date from

追究 (w)

(zhuījiū) to investigate; to look into

追索 (w)

(zhuīsuǒ) to demand payment; to extort; to trace; to seek; to pursue; to explore

追缉 (w)

(zhuījī) to pursue and capture

追缴 (w)

(zhuījiǎo) to recover (stolen property); to pursue and force sb to give back the spoils

追肥 (w)

(zhuīféi) top soil dressing; additional fertilizer

追荐 (w)

(zhuījiàn) to pray for the soul of a deceased

追补 (w)

(zhuībǔ) a supplement; additional budget

追记 (w)

(zhuījì) a memorial citation; a posthumous award; a retrospective (used in titles of news articles); notes written down from memory

追诉 (w)

(zhuīsù) to prosecute; given leave to sue

追诉时效 (w)

(zhuīsùshíxiào) period during which one can prosecute or sue sb; within the statute of limitation

追询 (w)

(zhuīxún) to interrogate; to question closely

追认 (w)

(zhuīrèn) to recognize sth after the event; posthumous recognition; to ratify; to endorse retroactively

追购 (w)

(zhuīgòu) a bounty; a reward for capturing an outlaw

追赠 (w)

(zhuīzèng) to give to the departed; to confer (a title) posthumously

追赃 (w)

(zhuīzāng) to order the return of stolen goods

追赶 (w)

(zhuīgǎn) to pursue; to chase after; to accelerate; to catch up with; to overtake

追踪 (w)

(zhuīzōng) to follow a trail; to trace; to pursue

追踪报导 (w)

(zhuīzōngbàodǎo) follow-up report

追踪号码 (w)

(zhuīzōnghàomǎ) tracking number (of a package shipment)

追踪调查 (w)

(zhuīzōngdiàochá) follow-up study; investigative follow-up

追蹑 (w)

(zhuīniè) to follow the trail of; to track; to trace

追述 (w)

(zhuīshù) recollections; to relate (past events)

追逐 (w)

(zhuīzhú) to chase; to pursue vigorously

追逐赛 (w)

(zhuīzhúsài) pursuit race; chase

追逼 (w)

(zhuībī) to pursue closely; to press; to demand (payment); to extort (a concession)

追还 (w)

(zhuīhuán) to recover (lost property or money); to win back

追随 (w)

(zhuīsuí) to follow; to accompany

追随者 (w)

(zhuīsuízhě) follower; adherent; following

追风逐电 (w)

(zhuīfēngzhúdiàn) proceeding at a tremendous pace; getting on like a house on fire