退 (w)

(tuì) to retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw

退下 (w)

(tuìxià) to retire; to withdraw; to retreat; to step down

退下金 (w)

(tuìxiàjīn) retirement pension

退任 (w)

(tuìrèn) to retire; to leave one's position

退伍 (w)

(tuìwǔ) to retire from service

退伍军人 (w)

(tuìwǔjūnrén) veteran

退伍军人节 (w)

(tuìwǔjūnrénjié) Veteran's Day

退休 (w)

(tuìxiū) to retire; retirement (from work)

退休金 (w)

(tuìxiūjīn) retirement pay; pension

退位 (w)

(tuìwèi) to abdicate

退冰 (w)

(tuìbīng) to thaw (frozen food); to bring to room temperature

退出 (w)

(tuìchū) to withdraw; to abort; to quit; to log out (computing)

退出运行 (w)

(tuìchūyùnxíng) to decommission

退化 (w)

(tuìhuà) to degenerate; atrophy

退却 (w)

(tuìquè) to retreat; to shrink back

退学 (w)

(tuìxué) to quit school

退守 (w)

(tuìshǒu) to retreat and defend; to withdraw and maintain one's guard

退席 (w)

(tuìxí) to absent oneself from a meeting; to decline to attend

退庭 (w)

(tuìtíng) to retire from the courtroom; to adjourn

退役 (w)

(tuìyì) to retire from the military; to demobilize; to decommission; retired from use

退思园 (w)

(tuìsīyuán) The Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tongli, Jiangsu

退房 (w)

(tuìfáng) to check out of a hotel room

退换 (w)

(tuìhuàn) to replace a purchase; to exchange a purchase

退换货 (w)

(tuìhuànhuò) to return a product for another item

退步 (w)

(tuìbù) to do less well than before; to make a concession; setback; backward step; leeway; room to maneuver; fallback

退水 (w)

(tuìshuǐ) to divert water; to drain

退潮 (w)

(tuìcháo) (of a tide) to ebb or go out

退火 (w)

(tuìhuǒ) annealing (metallurgy)

退热 (w)

(tuìrè) to reduce fever

退烧 (w)

(tuìshāo) to reduce fever

退烧药 (w)

(tuìshāoyào) antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)

退片 (w)

(tuìpiàn) to eject (media player)

退票 (w)

(tuìpiào) bounce (a check); ticket refund

退税 (w)

(tuìshuì) tax rebate or refund

退缩 (w)

(tuìsuō) to shrink back; to cower

退而求其次 (w)

(tuìérqiúqícì) to settle for second best; the next best thing

退耕还林 (w)

(tuìgēnghuánlín) restoring agricultural land to forest

退色 (w)

(tuìsè) variant of 褪色[tui4 se4]

退色 (w)

(tuìshǎi) variant of 褪色[tui4 shai3]

退落 (w)

(tuìluò) to subside

退货 (w)

(tuìhuò) to return merchandise; to withdraw a product

退路 (w)

(tuìlù) a way out; a way to retreat; leeway

退避 (w)

(tuìbì) to withdraw

退避三舍 (w)

(tuìbìsānshè) lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of superior strength; a strategic withdrawal

退还 (w)

(tuìhuán) to return (sth borrowed etc); to send back; to refund; to rebate

退钱 (w)

(tuìqián) refund money

退关 (w)

(tuìguān) shut-out, container or consigment not carried on the intended vessel or aircraft

退黑激素 (w)

(tuìhēijīsù) melatonin

退党 (w)

(tuìdǎng) to withdraw from a political party