
(tòu) to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show

透光 (w)

(tòuguāng) transparent; translucent

透印版印刷 (w)

(tòuyìnbǎnyìnshuā) offset

透射 (w)

(tòushè) to transmit; transmission (of radiation through a medium); passage

透平机 (w)

(tòupíngjī) turbine

透彻 (w)

(tòuchè) penetrating; thorough; incisive

透支 (w)

(tòuzhī) (bank) overdraft

透明 (w)

(tòumíng) transparent; open (non-secretive)

透明度 (w)

(tòumíngdù) transparency; (policy of) openness

透明程度 (w)

(tòumíngchéngdù) transparency

透明质酸 (w)

(tòumíngzhìsuān) hyaluronic acid; hyaluronan

透析 (w)

(tòuxī) dialysis (separation of crystalloids by osmosis)

透析机 (w)

(tòuxījī) dialysis machine

透水 (w)

(tòushuǐ) permeable; percolation; water leak

透水性 (w)

(tòushuǐxìng) permeability

透皮炭疽 (w)

(tòupítànjū) cutaneous anthrax

透红 (w)

(tòuhóng) rosy

透视 (w)

(tòushì) to see through; perspective; to examine by fluoroscopy (i.e. X-ray)

透视图 (w)

(tòushìtú) a figure in perspective; perspective drawing

透视学 (w)

(tòushìxué) perspective (in drawing)

透视法 (w)

(tòushìfǎ) perspective (in drawing)

透视画 (w)

(tòushìhuà) perspective drawing

透视画法 (w)

(tòushìhuàfǎ) perspective drawing

透视装 (w)

(tòushìzhuāng) see-through clothing

透通性 (w)

(tòutōngxìng) transparency (networking)

透过 (w)

(tòuguò) through; via

透镜 (w)

(tòujìng) lens (optics)

透露 (w)

(tòulù) to leak out; to divulge; to reveal

透露消息 (w)

(tòulùxiāoxi) to disclose information

透顶 (w)

(tòudǐng) out-and-out; thoroughly