
(chóu) to entertain; to repay; to return; to reward; to compensate

酬偿 (w)

(chóucháng) reward

酬劳 (w)

(chóuláo) reward

酬和 (w)

(chóuhè) to respond to a poem with a poem

酬报 (w)

(chóubào) to repay; to reward

酬应 (w)

(chóuyìng) social interaction

酬神 (w)

(chóushén) to offer thanks to the gods

酬答 (w)

(chóudá) to thank with a gift

酬谢 (w)

(chóuxiè) to thank with a gift

酬赏 (w)

(chóushǎng) reward

酬载 (w)

(chóuzài) payload

酬酢 (w)

(chóuzuò) to exchange toasts

酬金 (w)

(chóujīn) monetary reward; remuneration