
(ā) abbr. for Afghanistan 阿富汗[A1 fu4 han4]


(ā) prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc to indicate familiarity; used in transliteration; also pr. [a4]


(ē) flatter

阿不来提・阿不都热西提 (w)

(ābùláitíābùdūrèxītí) Abdulahat Abdurixit (1942-), PRC engineer and politician, chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region 1994-2003, in 2003 vice-chair of 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

阿丹 (w)

(ādān) Adam (name); Aden, capital of Yemen

阿亚图拉 (w)

(āyàtúlā) ayatollah (religious leader in Shia Islam)

阿亨 (w)

(āhēng) Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; Aix-la-Chapelle; also written 亞琛|亚琛[Ya4 chen1]

阿亨工业大学 (w)

(āhēnggōngyèdàxué) RWTH Aachen University

阿亨科技大学 (w)

(āhēngkējìdàxué) RWTH Aachen University

阿什哈巴德 (w)

(āshénhābādé) Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan

阿什拉维 (w)

(āshénlāwéi) surname Ashrawi; Hanan Daoud Khalil Ashrawi (1946-), Palestinian scholar and political activist

阿伊莎 (w)

(āyīshā) Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name); Aishah bint Abi Bakr (c. 614-678), youngest wife of prophet Mohamed 穆罕默德[Mu4 han3 mo4 de2]

阿伏伽德罗 (w)

(āfújiādéluó) Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), Italian scientist, noted for contributions to molecular weight and molarity, the originator of Avogadro's number 阿伏伽德羅數|阿伏伽德罗数

阿伏伽德罗定律 (w)

(āfújiādéluódìnglǜ) Avogadro's law, a gas law named after Amedeo Avogadro

阿伏伽德罗常数 (w)

(āfújiādéluóchángshù) Avogadro's number; the number of molecules in a mole, about 6.022 x 10^23

阿伏伽德罗数 (w)

(āfújiādéluóshù) Avogadro's number; the number of molecules in a mole, about 6.022 x 10^23

阿伯丁 (w)

(ābódīng) Aberdeen (city on east coast of Scotland)

阿佤 (w)

(āwǎ) Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia

阿来 (w)

(ālái) Alai (1959-), ethnic Tibetan Chinese writer, awarded Mao Dun Literature Prize in 2000 for his novel 塵埃落定|尘埃落定[Chen2 ai1 luo4 ding4] "Red Poppies"

阿依莎 (w)

(āyīshā) Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name); Aishah bint Abi Bakr (c. 614-678), youngest wife of prophet Mohamed 穆罕默德[Mu4 han3 mo4 de2]; also written 阿伊莎

阿修罗 (w)

(āxiūluó) Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology

阿们 (w)

(āmen) amen

阿伦 (w)

(ālún) Aalen, town in Germany

阿伦达尔 (w)

(ālúndáěr) Arendal (city in Agder, Norway)

阿兄 (w)

(āxiōng) elder brother

阿克伦 (w)

(ākèlún) Acheron River in Epirus, northwest Greece

阿克伦河 (w)

(ākèlúnhé) Acheron river in Epirus, northwest Greece

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县 (w)

(ākèsàihāsàkèzúzìzhìxiàn) Aksai Kazakh autonomous county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu

阿克塞县 (w)

(ākèsàixiàn) Aksai Kazakh autonomous county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu

阿克拉 (w)

(ākèlā) Accra, capital of Ghana

阿克苏 (w)

(ākèsū) Aqsu wilayiti or Aksu prefecture in Xinjiang; Aqsu shehiri or Aksu city

阿克苏地区 (w)

(ākèsūdìqū) Aqsu Wilayiti or Aksu prefecture in Xinjiang

阿克苏市 (w)

(ākèsūshì) Aqsu shehiri or Aksu city in Aksu prefecture, Xinjiang

阿克苏河 (w)

(ākèsūhé) Aksu River in Xinjiang

阿克赛钦 (w)

(ākèsàiqīn) Aksai Chin, a disputed region in the Tibetan plateau

阿克陶 (w)

(ākètáo) Aketedu county in Xinjiang (on the border with Kyrgyzstan)

阿克陶县 (w)

(ākètáoxiàn) Aketedu county in Xinjiang (on the border with Kyrgyzstan)

阿公 (w)

(āgōng) father-in-law (regional dialect)

阿兵哥 (w)

(ābīnggē) soldier boy (colloquial)

阿其所好 (w)

(ēqísuǒhào) to pander to sb's whims

阿凡提 (w)

(āfántí) Effendi, wily and fearless hero of Uighur folk tales; smart guy

阿凡达 (w)

(āfándá) Avatar (movie)

阿列克西斯 (w)

(ālièkèxīsī) Alexis (name)

阿列夫 (w)

(ālièfū) aleph (first letter א of Hebrew alphabet)

阿初佛 (w)

(āchūfó) erroneous variant of 阿閦佛, Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Eastern Paradise, Abhirati

阿利坎特 (w)

(ālìkǎntè) Alicante

阿加维 (w)

(ājiāwéi) see 阿爾加維|阿尔加维[A1 er3 jia1 wei2]

阿加莎・克里斯蒂 (w)

(ājiāshākèlǐsīdì) Agatha Christie

阿加迪尔 (w)

(ājiādíěr) Agadir, city in southwest Morocco

阿勒泰 (w)

(ālètài) Altay prefecture level city in Xinjiang

阿勒泰地区 (w)

(ālètàidìqū) Altay prefecture in Xinjiang

阿勒泰市 (w)

(ālètàishì) Altay prefecture level city in Xinjiang

阿卜杜拉 (w)

(ābǔdùlā) Abdullah (name)

阿卡 (w)

(ākǎ) Acre, city in Israel, also known as Akko

阿卡提 (w)

(ākǎdī) Arcadia (Greek prefecture on the Peloponnese)

阿卡普尔科 (w)

(ākǎpǔěrkē) Acapulco, city in Mexico

阿卡迪亚 (w)

(ākǎdíyà) Arcadia (loanword)

阿卡迪亚大学 (w)

(ākǎdíyàdàxué) Acadia University (Canada)

阿史那骨咄禄 (w)

(āshǐnàgǔduōlù) Ashina Qutlugh, personal name of 頡跌利施可汗|颉跌利施可汗[Jie2 die1 li4 shi1 Ke4 han2]

阿司匹林 (w)

(āsīpǐlín) aspirin

阿合奇 (w)

(āhéqí) Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, Xinjiang

阿合奇县 (w)

(āhéqíxiàn) Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, Xinjiang

阿哥 (w)

(āgē) (familiar) elder brother

阿喀琉斯 (w)

(ākāliúsī) Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus), son of Thetis and Peleus, Greek hero central to the Iliad

阿嚏 (w)

(ātì) onomat. atchoo!; to sneeze

阿囡 (w)

(ānān) honey (endearment in addressing a little girl)

阿图什 (w)

(ātúshí) Atush or Artux city and county in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州; Atushi city near Kashgar in Xinjiang

阿图什市 (w)

(ātúshíshì) Atush or Artux city in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州; Atushi city near Kashgar in Xinjiang

阿图什县 (w)

(ātúshíxiàn) Atush or Artux county in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州

阿土 (w)

(ātǔ) country bumpkin; redneck (derog)

阿城 (w)

(āchéng) Acheng district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang

阿城区 (w)

(āchéngqū) Acheng district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang

阿基米德 (w)

(ājīmǐdé) Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)

阿堵 (w)

(ēdǔ) money; this, this one (archaic)

阿堵物 (w)

(ēdǔwù) money

阿塞拜疆 (w)

(āsàibàijiāng) Azerbaijan, former Soviet Republic and region of northwest Iran in Caucasus

阿塞拜疆人 (w)

(āsàibàijiāngrén) Azerbaijan (person)

阿坝 (w)

(ābà) Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇[Ma3 er3 kang1 zhen4]; also Ngawa county

阿坝州 (w)

(ābàzhōu) Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇[Ma3 er3 kang1 zhen4]

阿坝县 (w)

(ābàxiàn) Ngawa county (Tibetan: rnga ba rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan

阿坝藏族羌族自治州 (w)

(ābàzàngzúqiāngzúzìzhìzhōu) Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇[Ma3 er3 kang1 zhen4]

阿多尼斯 (w)

(āduōnísī) Adonis, figure in Greek mythology

阿多诺 (w)

(āduōnuò) surname Adorno; Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno 狄奧多・阿多諾|狄奥多・阿多诺[Di2 ao4 duo1 · A1 duo1 nuo4] (1903-1969), German sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, and composer

阿奇里斯 (w)

(āqílǐsī) Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus), son of Thetis and Peleus, Greek hero central to the Iliad

阿奇霉素 (w)

(āqíméisù) azithromycin (macrolide antibiotic); Zithromax

阿奎纳 (w)

(ākuínà) surname Aquinas; Thomas Aquinas 托馬斯・阿奎納|托马斯・阿奎纳[Tuo1 ma3 si1 · A1 kui2 na4] (1225-1274)

阿奶 (w)

(ānǎi) granny

阿妹 (w)

(āmèi) younger sister

阿姆哈拉 (w)

(āmǔhālā) Amhara (province, language and ethnic group of Ethiopia); Amharic; Ethiopian

阿姆斯特丹 (w)

(āmǔsītèdān) Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands

阿姆斯特朗 (w)

(āmǔsītèlǎng) surname Armstrong

阿姆河 (w)

(āmǔhé) Amu Darya, the biggest river of Central Asia, from Pamir to Aral sea, forming the boundary between Afghanistan and Tajikistan then flowing through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; formerly called Oxus by Greek and Western writers, and Gihon by medieval Islamic writers

阿姨 (w)

(āyí) maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child); CL:個|个[ge4]

阿婆 (w)

(āpó) granny; mother-in-law

阿妈 (w)

(āmā) mother; nurse; amah; serving woman

阿富汗 (w)

(āfùhàn) Afghanistan; Afghan

阿富汗语 (w)

(āfùhányǔ) Afghan (language)

阿巴 (w)

(ābā) Aba, southeast Nigerian city; Aba, the Lisu 傈僳 word for grandfather

阿巴嘎旗 (w)

(ābāgāqí) Abag banner or Avga khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia

阿巴拉契亚 (w)

(ābālāqìyà) Appalachian Mountains in North America

阿巴斯 (w)

(ābāsī) Abbas (name); Mahmoud Abbas (1935-), also called Abu Mazen, Palestinian leader, Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) from 2005

阿布叔醇 (w)

(ābùshūchún) albuterol, chemical used in treating asthma

阿布哈兹 (w)

(ābùhāzī) Abkhazia, region in Georgia

阿布扎比 (w)

(ābùzābǐ) Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)

阿布扎比市 (w)

(ābùzhābǐshì) Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)

阿布沙耶夫 (w)

(ābùshāyēfū) Abu Sayyaf, militant Islamist separatist group also known as al-Harakat al-Islamiyya

阿布贾 (w)

(ābùjiǎ) Abuja, capital of Nigeria

阿希姆 (w)

(āxīmǔ) Askim (city in Østfold, Norway)

阿弗洛狄忒 (w)

(āfúluòdítè) Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love); Venus

阿弟 (w)

(ādì) younger brother

阿弥陀佛 (w)

(ēmítuófó) Amitabha Buddha; the Buddha of the Western paradise; may the lord Buddha preserve us!; merciful Buddha!

阿弥陀如来 (w)

(ēmítuórúlái) Amitabha, Buddha of infinite light

阿佛洛狄忒 (w)

(āfúluòdítè) Aphrodite, Greek goddess of beauty and love, daughter of Zeus; latin Venus

阿得莱德 (w)

(ādéláidé) Adelaide, capital of South Australia

阿德莱德 (w)

(ādéláidé) Adelaide, capital of South Australia

阿德雷德 (w)

(ādéléidé) Adelaide, capital of South Australia; also written 阿德萊德|阿德莱德

阿托品 (w)

(ātuōpǐn) atropine C17H23NO3, alkaloid drug derived from deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)

阿拉 (w)

(ālā) I; we; me; us

阿拉丁 (w)

(ālādīng) Aladdin, character in one of the tales in the The Book of One Thousand and One Nights

阿拉干山脉 (w)

(ālāgānshānmài) Arakan Yoma, mountain range in western Myanmar (Burma)

阿拉伯 (w)

(ālābó) Arabian; Arabic; Arab

阿拉伯人 (w)

(ālābórén) Arab; Arabian; Arabian people

阿拉伯共同市场 (w)

(ālābógòngtóngshìchǎng) Arab Common Market

阿拉伯半岛 (w)

(ālābóbàndǎo) Arabian Peninsula

阿拉伯国家联盟 (w)

(ālābóguójiāliánméng) Arab League, regional organization of Arab states in Southwest Asia, and North and Northeast Africa, officially called the League of Arab States

阿拉伯数字 (w)

(ālābóshùzì) Arabic numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

阿拉伯文 (w)

(ālābówén) Arabic (language & writing)

阿拉伯海 (w)

(ālābóhǎi) Arabian Sea

阿拉伯糖 (w)

(ālābótáng) arabinose (type of sugar)

阿拉伯联合酋长国 (w)

(ālābóliánhéqiúzhǎngguó) United Arab Emirates (UAE)

阿拉伯胶 (w)

(ālābójiāo) gum Arabica; acacia gum

阿拉伯茴香 (w)

(ālābóhuíxiāng) see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin

阿拉伯语 (w)

(ālābóyǔ) Arabic (language)

阿拉伯电信联盟 (w)

(ālābódiànxìnliánméng) Arab Telecommunication Union

阿拉善 (w)

(ālāshàn) Alxa league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia

阿拉善右旗 (w)

(ālāshànyòuqí) Alxa right banner, Mongolian Alshaa Baruun khoshuu, in Alxa league 阿拉善盟[A1 la1 shan4 meng2], Inner Mongolia (formerly in Gansu 1969-1979)

阿拉善左旗 (w)

(ālāshànzuǒqí) Alxa left banner, Mongolian Alshaa Züün khoshuu, in Alxa league 阿拉善盟[A1 la1 shan4 meng2], Inner Mongolia (formerly in Gansu 1969-1979)

阿拉善盟 (w)

(ālāshànméng) Alxa league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia

阿拉塔斯 (w)

(ālātǎsī) surname Alatas; Ali Alatas (1932-), Indonesian Foreign Minister

阿拉巴马 (w)

(ālābāmǎ) Alabama, US state

阿拉巴马州 (w)

(ālābāmǎzhōu) Alabama, US state

阿拉弗拉海 (w)

(ālāfúlāhǎi) Arafura Sea

阿拉摩 (w)

(ālāmó) Alamo, city in United States

阿拉斯 (w)

(ālāsī) Arras, town in northern France

阿拉斯加 (w)

(ālāsījiā) Alaska, US state

阿拉斯加大学 (w)

(ālāsījiādàxué) University of Alaska

阿拉斯加州 (w)

(ālāsījiāzhōu) Alaska, US state

阿拉斯加雪撬犬 (w)

(ālāsījiāxuěqiàoquǎn) Alaskan Malamute

阿拉木图 (w)

(ālāmùtú) Almaty, previous capital of Kazakhstan

阿拉法特 (w)

(ālāfǎtè) Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (1929-2004), Palestinian leader, popularly known as Yasser Arafat 亞西爾・阿拉法特|亚西尔・阿拉法特[Ya4 xi1 er3 · A1 la1 fa3 te4]

阿拉尔 (w)

(ālāěr) Aral shehiri (Aral city) or Ālā'ěr subprefecture level city in west Xinjiang

阿拉尔市 (w)

(ālāěrshì) Aral shehiri (Aral city) or Ālā'ěr subprefecture level city in west Xinjiang

阿拉瓦 (w)

(ālāwǎ) Araba or Álava

阿拉米语 (w)

(ālāmǐyǔ) Aramaic (language)

阿拔斯王朝 (w)

(ābásīwángcháo) Abbasid Empire (750-1258), successor of the Umayyad caliphate

阿拖品化 (w)

(ātuōpǐnhuà) atropinization

阿提拉 (w)

(ātílā) Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God

阿摩司书 (w)

(āmósīshū) Book of Amos, one of the books of the Nevi'im and of the Christian Old Testament

阿摩尼亚 (w)

(āmóníyà) ammonia

阿斗 (w)

(ādǒu) A-dou, nickname of Liu Chan 劉禪|刘禅 (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han emperor 233-263; fig. weak and inept person

阿斯匹林 (w)

(āsīpǐlín) also written 阿司匹林; aspirin

阿斯图里亚斯 (w)

(āsītúlǐyàsī) Asturias, northwest Spanish autonomous principality on the bay of Biscay; ancient Spanish kingdom from which the reconquista was based

阿斯塔纳 (w)

(āsītǎnà) Astana, capital of Kazakhstan

阿斯巴特 (w)

(āsībātè) aspartame C14H18N2O (artificial sweetener)

阿斯巴甜 (w)

(āsībātián) aspartame

阿斯旺 (w)

(āsīwàng) Aswan (town in south Egypt)

阿斯旺高坝 (w)

(āsīwànggāobà) the Aswan dam in south Egypt

阿斯兰 (w)

(āsīlán) Aslan (from the Narnia chronicles)

阿斯顿・马丁 (w)

(āsīdùnmǎdīng) Aston Martin

阿斯马拉 (w)

(āsīmǎlā) Asmara, capital of Eritrea

阿旺曲培 (w)

(āwàngqūpéi) Ngawang Choephel (1966-), Tibetan musicologist and dissident, Fullbright scholar (1993-1994), jailed 1995-2002 then released to US

阿旺曲沛 (w)

(āwàngqǔpèi) Ngawang Choepel (Tibetan, Fulbright scholar)

阿昌 (w)

(āchāng) Achang also called Ngac'ang or Maingtha (ethnic group)

阿明 (w)

(āmíng) Al-Amin

阿昔洛韦 (w)

(āxīluòwéi) aciclovir (also spelled acyclovir), antiviral drug

阿普吐龙 (w)

(āpǔtǔlóng) apatosaurus; former name: brontosaurus; also called 雷龍|雷龙[lei2 long2]

阿普尔顿 (w)

(āpǔěrdùn) Appleton (name); Sir Edward Appleton (1892-1965), British physicist, Nobel laureate who discovered the ionosphere

阿曼 (w)

(āmàn) Oman

阿曼湾 (w)

(āmànwān) Gulf of Oman

阿月浑子 (w)

(āyuèhúnzi) pistachio

阿月浑子实 (w)

(āyuèhúnzǐshí) pistachio nut

阿月浑子树 (w)

(āyuèhúnzǐshù) pistachio tree

阿木林 (w)

(āmùlín) dullard; stupid person

阿松森岛 (w)

(āsōngsēndǎo) Ascension island

阿根廷 (w)

(āgēntíng) Argentina

阿格尼迪 (w)

(āgénídí) Agnus Dei (section of Catholic mass)

阿梵达 (w)

(āfàndá) avatar (loanword)

阿森 (w)

(āsēn) Assen, city in the Netherlands

阿森斯 (w)

(āsēnsī) Athens, Ohio

阿森松岛 (w)

(āsēnsōngdǎo) Ascension Island

阿荣旗 (w)

(āróngqí) Arun banner or Arongqi county in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia

阿比 (w)

(ābǐ) Abby or Abi (name, sometimes short for Abigail)

阿比西尼亚 (w)

(ābǐxīníyà) Abyssinia, historical name of Ethiopia

阿比西尼亚人 (w)

(ābǐxīníyàrén) Abyssinian (person)

阿比西尼亚官话 (w)

(ābǐxīníyàguānhuà) Amharic (language)

阿比让 (w)

(ābǐràng) Abidjan (city in Ivory Coast)

阿法尔 (w)

(āfǎěr) Afar region of northeast Ethiopia; Afar people

阿法尔沙漠 (w)

(āfǎěrshāmò) the Afar desert in Southern Ethiopia

阿法罗密欧 (w)

(āfǎluōmìōu) Alfa Romeo

阿波罗 (w)

(ābōluó) Apollo (loanword)

阿波罗计划 (w)

(ābōluójìhuà) the Apollo project (1961-1975), the NASA moon landing project

阿洛菲 (w)

(āluòfēi) Alofi, capital of Niue

阿爸 (w)

(ābà) Abba (Aramaic word father); by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel

阿爸父 (w)

(ābàfù) Abba (Aramaic word father); by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel

阿爹 (w)

(ādiē) Dad

阿尔伯塔 (w)

(āěrbótǎ) Alberta province of Canada, capital Edmonton 埃德蒙頓|埃德蒙顿[Ai1 de2 meng2 dun4]

阿尔伯特 (w)

(āěrbótè) Albert (name)

阿尔加维 (w)

(āěrjiāwéi) the Algarve (southern region of Portugal)

阿尔卑斯 (w)

(āěrbēisī) Alps, mountain range bordering Switzerland

阿尔卑斯山 (w)

(āěrbēisīshān) Alps, mountain range bordering Switzerland

阿尔卡特 (w)

(āěrkǎtè) Alcatel, old company name

阿尔及利亚 (w)

(āěrjílìyà) Algeria

阿尔及利亚人 (w)

(āěrjílìyàrén) Algerian

阿尔及尔 (w)

(āěrjíěr) Algiers, capital of Algeria

阿尔坎塔拉 (w)

(āěrkǎntǎlā) Alcántara, municipality in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain; Alcantara, Brazil space launch site

阿尔山 (w)

(āěrshān) Arxan county level city, Mongolian Rashaant xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia

阿尔山市 (w)

(āěrshānshì) Arxan county level city, Mongolian Rashaant xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia

阿尔巴尼亚 (w)

(āěrbāníyà) Albania

阿尔巴尼亚人 (w)

(āěrbāníyàrén) Albanian (person)

阿尔斯通公司 (w)

(āěrsītōnggōngsī) Alstom, company name

阿尔梅里亚 (w)

(āěrméilǐyà) Almería

阿尔法 (w)

(āěrfǎ) alpha (Greek letter Αα)

阿尔法・罗密欧 (w)

(āěrfǎluómìōu) Alfa Romeo

阿尔法粒子 (w)

(āěrfǎlìzǐ) alpha particle (helium nucleus)

阿尔泰 (w)

(āěrtài) Altai republic in Russian central Asia, capital Gorno-Altaysk

阿尔泰山 (w)

(āěrtàishān) Altai mountain range in Xinjiang and Siberia

阿尔泰山脉 (w)

(āěrtàishānmài) Altai mountain chain on the border of Russia and Mongolia

阿尔泰语 (w)

(āěrtàiyǔ) Altaic language

阿尔汉格尔斯克州 (w)

(āěrhàngéěrsīkèzhōu) Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia

阿尔瓦塞特 (w)

(āěrwǎsètè) Albacete, Spain

阿尔瓦雷 (w)

(āěrwǎléi) Alvarez (name)

阿尔茨海默 (w)

(āěrcíhǎimò) Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), German psychiatrist and neuropathologist

阿尔茨海默氏病 (w)

(āěrcíhǎimòshìbìng) Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia

阿尔茨海默氏症 (w)

(āěrcíhǎimòshìzhèng) Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia

阿尔茨海默病 (w)

(āěrcíhǎimòbìng) Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia

阿尔茨海默症 (w)

(āěrcíhǎimòzhèng) Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia

阿尔盖达 (w)

(āěrgàidá) al-Qaeda

阿尔萨斯 (w)

(āěrsàsī) Alsace, French department

阿尔衮琴 (w)

(āěrgǔnqín) Algonquin (North American people)

阿尔都塞 (w)

(āěrdōusāi) surname Althusser; Louis Pierre Althusser 路易・皮埃爾・阿爾都塞|路易・皮埃尔・阿尔都塞[Lu4 yi4 · Pi2 ai1 er3 · A1 er3 dou1 sai1] (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher

阿片 (w)

(āpiàn) opium; variant of 鴉片|鸦片[ya1 pian4]

阿物儿 (w)

(āwùr) thing; (you) useless thing

阿特拉斯 (w)

(ātèlāsī) Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology); Atlas mountains of north Africa

阿特兰蒂斯 (w)

(ātèlándìsī) Atlantis

阿特金斯 (w)

(ātèjīnsī) Atkins (name)

阿瑞斯 (w)

(āruìsī) Ares, Greek god of war; Mars

阿瑟 (w)

(āsè) Arthur (name)

阿瑟县 (w)

(āsèxiàn) Arthur County, Nebraska

阿瑟镇 (w)

(āsèzhèn) Arthur's Town, Cat Island

阿瓦提 (w)

(āwǎtí) Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang

阿瓦提县 (w)

(āwǎtíxiàn) Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang

阿瓦里德 (w)

(āwǎlǐdé) Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia

阿瓦鲁阿 (w)

(āwǎlǔā) Avarua, capital of the Cook Islands

阿甘正传 (w)

(āgānzhèngzhuàn) Forrest Gump

阿留申群岛 (w)

(āliúshēnqúndǎo) Aleutian islands (trailing 2250 km southwest of Alaska almost down to Kamtchatka)

阿的平 (w)

(ādìpíng) atabrine or quinacrine, used as antimalarial drug and antibiotic against intestinal parasite giardiasis

阿皮亚 (w)

(āpíyà) Apia, capital of the Independent State of Samoa

阿盟 (w)

(āméng) Alxa league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia; abbr. for 阿拉善盟[A1 la1 shan4 meng2]

阿卢巴 (w)

(ālúbā) Aruba, variant of 阿魯巴|阿鲁巴

阿穆尔河 (w)

(āmùěrhé) the Amur River (the border between north east China and Russia); same as 黑龍江|黑龙江

阿空加瓜 (w)

(ākōngjiāguā) Cerro Aconcagua, mountain in the Americas

阿空加瓜山 (w)

(ākōngjiāguāshān) Cerro Aconcagua, mountain in the Americas

阿米巴 (w)

(āmǐbā) amoeba

阿米巴病 (w)

(āmǐbābìng) amebiasis; amebiosis

阿米巴痢疾 (w)

(āmǐbālìji) amoebic dysentery; amebic dysentery

阿米纳达布 (w)

(āmǐnàdábù) Amminadab (name)

阿维拉 (w)

(āwéilā) Avila, Spain

阿罗汉 (w)

(āluóhàn) arhat (Sanskrit); a holy man who has left behind all earthly desires and concerns and attained nirvana (Buddhism)

阿罗约 (w)

(āluóyuē) surname Arroyo

阿美尼亚 (w)

(āměiníyà) variant of 亞美尼亞|亚美尼亚[Ya4 mei3 ni2 ya4], Armenia

阿美恩斯 (w)

(āměiēnsī) Amiens (French town)

阿美族 (w)

(āměizú) Amis or Pangcah, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan

阿耳忒弥斯 (w)

(āěrtèmísī) Artemis (Greek goddess of the moon)

阿耳戈斯 (w)

(āěrgēsī) Argus; in Greek mythology, a monster with 100 eyes, transformed into peacock's tail

阿联酋 (w)

(āliánqiú) United Arab Emirates; abbr. for 阿拉伯联合酋长国

阿联酋航空 (w)

(āliánqiúhángkōng) Emirates airline

阿联酋长国 (w)

(āliánqiúzhǎngguó) United Arab Emirates; abbr. for 阿拉伯联合酋长国

阿肯色 (w)

(ākěnsè) Arkansas, US state

阿肯色大学 (w)

(ākěnsèdàxué) University of Arkansas

阿肯色州 (w)

(ākěnsèzhōu) Arkansas, US state

阿育吠陀 (w)

(āyùfèituó) Ayurveda (ancient Indian system and health care philosophy)

阿育王 (w)

(āyùwáng) Ashoka (304-232 BC), Indian emperor of the Maurya dynasty 孔雀王朝[Kong3 que4 wang2 chao2], ruled 273-232 BC

阿育魏实 (w)

(āyùwèishí) seed of ajwain; Semen Trachyspermi coptici

阿胶 (w)

(ējiāo) donkey hide glue (used in traditional Chinese medicine); Colla Corii Asini

阿芙乐尔号 (w)

(āfúlèěrháo) battle cruiser Avrora (Russian: dawn) firing the shot signaling the 1917 revolution, a favorite of communist iconography

阿芙罗狄忒 (w)

(āfúluódítè) Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love; Venus

阿芙蓉 (w)

(āfúróng) opium

阿芝特克人 (w)

(āzhītèkèrén) Aztec (Person)

阿芝特克语 (w)

(āzhītèkèyǔ) Aztec (language)

阿兹海默症病患 (w)

(āzīhǎimòzhèngbìnghuàn) Alzheimer's disease

阿莫西林 (w)

(āmòxīlín) amoxicillin

阿华田 (w)

(āhuàtián) Ovaltine (brand)

阿莱奇冰川 (w)

(āláiqíbīngchuān) Aletsch glacier, Switzerland

阿莱曼 (w)

(āláimàn) El Alamein, town in Egypt

阿蒙 (w)

(āméng) Amun, deity in Egyptian mythology, also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen

阿盖达 (w)

(āgàidá) al-Qaeda

阿莲 (w)

(ālián) Alien township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

阿莲乡 (w)

(āliánxiāng) Alien township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

阿萨姆 (w)

(āsàmǔ) Assam, India

阿萨德 (w)

(āsàdé) Assad (Arabic name)

阿苏 (w)

(āsū) Aso volcano in Kyūshū 九州, Japan, a continuously active volcano

阿苏山 (w)

(āsūshān) Aso volcano in Kyūshū 九州, Japan, a continuously active volcano

阿苏火山 (w)

(āsūhuǒshān) Aso volcano in Kyūshū 九州, Japan, a continuously active volcano

阿兰 (w)

(ālán) Alan, Allen, Allan, Alain etc (name); A-lan (Chinese female name)

阿兰文 (w)

(ālánwén) Aramaic

阿兰若 (w)

(ālánruò) variant of 蘭若|兰若[lan2 ruo4], Buddhist temple (translit. of Sanskrit Aranyakah)

阿訇 (w)

(āhōng) Iman (Islamic clergyman)

阿谀 (w)

(ēyú) to flatter; to toady

阿谀奉承 (w)

(ēyúfèngchéng) flattering and fawning (idiom); sweet-talking

阿诺 (w)

(ānuò) Arnold (name); refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger 阿諾・施瓦辛格|阿诺・施瓦辛格[A1 nuo4 · Shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2]

阿诺・施瓦辛格 (w)

(ānuòshīwǎxīngé) Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California since 2003; also written 阿諾德・施瓦辛格|阿诺德・施瓦辛格[A1 nuo4 de2 · Shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2]

阿诺德・施瓦辛格 (w)

(ānuòdéshīwǎxīngé) Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California since 2003

阿猫阿狗 (w)

(āmāoāgǒu) any Tom, Dick or Harry; anyone (contemptuous)

阿贝尔 (w)

(ābèiěr) Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), Norwegian mathematician; (math.) abelian

阿赫蒂萨里 (w)

(āhèdìsàlǐ) Martti Ahtisaari (1937-), Finnish diplomat and politician, veteran peace negotiator and 2008 Nobel peace laureate

阿迪达斯 (w)

(ādídásī) Adidas (sportswear company)

阿道司・赫胥黎 (w)

(ādàosīhèxūlí) Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British novelist and author of Brave New World 美麗新世界|美丽新世界[Mei3 li4 Xin1 Shi4 jie4]

阿达比尔 (w)

(ādábǐěr) Ardabil in Azerbaijan region of Iran

阿乡 (w)

(āxiāng) country folk; rustic (colloquial); see also 鄉下人|乡下人[xiang1 xia4 ren2]

阿里 (w)

(ālǐ) Ali (proper name); Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (c. 600-661), cousin, aid and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed 穆罕默德, the fourth Caliph 哈里發|哈里发 of Islam, reigned 656-661, and the first Imam 伊瑪目|伊玛目 of Shia Islam; Ngari prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: Mnga' ris

阿里地区 (w)

(ālǐdìqū) Ngari prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: Mnga' ris sa khul

阿里山 (w)

(ālǐshān) Alishan, mountain range in southern Taiwan

阿里山 (w)

(ālǐshān) Alishan township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan

阿里山乡 (w)

(ālǐshānxiāng) Alishan township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan

阿里巴巴 (w)

(ālǐbābā) Ali Baba, character from The Arabian Nights

阿里巴巴 (w)

(ālǐbābā) Alibaba, PRC e-commerce company

阿里斯托芬 (w)

(ālǐsītuōfēn) Aristophanes (c. 448-380 BC), Greek comic playwright

阿里斯托芳 (w)

(ālǐsītuōfāng) Aristophanes (c. 448-380 BC), Greek comic playwright

阿里郎 (w)

(ālǐláng) Arirang 아리랑, famous Korean song of love and tragic separation, based on folk tale from Georyo dynasty; Arirang, series of Korean earth observation space satellites

阿金库尔 (w)

(ājīnkùěr) Agincourt (near Arras in north France, scene of a battle in 1415)

阿门 (w)

(āmén) amen (loanword)

阿閦佛 (w)

(āchùfó) Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Eastern Paradise, Abhirati

阿阇梨 (w)

(āshélí) Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliteration); also written 阿闍黎|阿阇黎[a1 she2 li2]

阿阇黎 (w)

(āshélí) Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliteration); also written 阿闍梨|阿阇梨[a1 she2 li2]

阿附 (w)

(ēfù) to fawn (as flatterer)

阿难 (w)

(ēnán) Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple

阿难陀 (w)

(ēnántuó) Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple

阿灵顿国家公墓 (w)

(ālíngdùnguójiāgōngmù) Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, USA

阿飞 (w)

(āfēi) hoodlum; hooligan; young rowdy

阿马逊 (w)

(āmǎxùn) Amazon; also written 亞馬遜|亚马逊[Ya4 ma3 xun4]

阿鲁巴 (w)

(ālǔbā) Aruba

阿鲁科尔沁 (w)

(ālǔkēěrqìn) Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia

阿鲁科尔沁旗 (w)

(ālǔkēěrqìnqí) Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia

阿鲁纳恰尔邦 (w)

(ālǔnàqiàěrbāng) Arunachal Pradesh, province of northeast Indian bordering on Bhutan and Tibet

阿丽亚娜 (w)

(ālìyànà) Ariane (name); Ariane European space launch vehicle

阿黑门尼德王朝 (w)

(āhēiménnídéwángcháo) Achaemenid empire of Persian (559-330 BC)

阿鼻 (w)

(ābí) Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells; fig. hell; hell on earth

阿鼻地狱 (w)

(ābídìyù) Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells; fig. hell; hell on earth

阿Q (w)

(āq) Ah Q, antihero of Lu Xun's influential 1921 novella The true story of Ah Q 阿Q正傳|阿Q正传[A1 Q zheng4 chuan2]

阿Q正传 (w)

(āqzhèngzhuàn) The true story of Ah Q, influential 1921 novella by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅[Lu3 Xun4]