
(yǐn) secret; hidden; concealed; Greek stem: crypto-


(yìn) to lean upon

隐事 (w)

(yǐnshì) a secret

隐伏 (w)

(yǐnfú) to hide; to lie low

隐位 (w)

(yǐnwèi) cryptic epitope (immunology, a protein component that becomes effective when activated by antigen)

隐修 (w)

(yǐnxiū) monasticism

隐修士 (w)

(yǐnxiūshì) monk (Christian)

隐修院 (w)

(yǐnxiūyuàn) monastery (Christian); abbey

隐函数 (w)

(yǐnhánshù) implicit function

隐匿 (w)

(yǐnnì) to cover up; to hide; to conceal

隐名埋姓 (w)

(yǐnmíngmáixìng) to conceal one's identity; living incognito

隐君子 (w)

(yǐnjūnzi) recluse; hermit; used for homophone 癮君子|瘾君子, opium addict

隐含 (w)

(yǐnhán) to contain in a concealed form; to keep covered up; implicit

隐喻 (w)

(yǐnyù) metaphor

隐土 (w)

(yǐntǔ) legendary land of hermits; secret land; the back of beyond

隐士 (w)

(yǐnshì) hermit

隐姓埋名 (w)

(yǐnxìngmáimíng) to conceal one's identity; living incognito

隐密 (w)

(yǐnmì) secret; hidden

隐射 (w)

(yǐnshè) (to fire) innuendo; to insinuate

隐居 (w)

(yǐnjū) to live in seclusion

隐居隆中 (w)

(yǐnjūlóngzhōng) to live in seclusion

隐形 (w)

(yǐnxíng) invisible

隐形眼镜 (w)

(yǐnxíngyǎnjìng) contact lens; CL:隻|只[zhi1],副[fu4]

隐忍 (w)

(yǐnrěn) to bear patiently; to endure silently; to forbear

隐性 (w)

(yǐnxìng) hidden; crypto-; recessive (gene)

隐性基因 (w)

(yǐnxìngjīyīn) recessive gene

隐患 (w)

(yǐnhuàn) a danger concealed within sth; hidden damage; misfortune not visible from the surface

隐情 (w)

(yǐnqíng) sth one wishes to keep secret; ulterior motive; a subject best avoided

隐情不报 (w)

(yǐnqíngbùbào) not to report sth; to keep sth secret

隐恶扬善 (w)

(yǐnèyángshàn) to praise the virtue of sb or sth while concealing their faults

隐意 (w)

(yǐnyì) implied meaning

隐忧 (w)

(yǐnyōu) secret concern; private worry

隐映 (w)

(yǐnyìng) to set off one another

隐晦 (w)

(yǐnhuì) obscurity

隐栖动物学 (w)

(yǐnqīdòngwùxué) cryptozoology

隐没 (w)

(yǐnmò) to vanish gradually; to disappear; to fade out

隐灭 (w)

(yǐnmiè) to fade away; to vanish; to disappear

隐潭 (w)

(yǐntán) hidden pond or pool

隐然 (w)

(yǐnrán) a feint; a hidden way of doing sth

隐燃 (w)

(yǐnrán) burning with no flame; fire beneath the surface; hidden combustion

隐现 (w)

(yǐnxiàn) glimpse (of something hidden)

隐生宙 (w)

(yǐnshēngzhòu) Cryptozoic; geological eon before the appearance of abundant fossils; hidden life, as opposed to Phanerozoic

隐疾 (w)

(yǐnjí) an unmentionable illness (e.g. venereal disease)

隐病不报 (w)

(yǐnbìngbùbào) not to tell others of one's illness

隐痛 (w)

(yǐntòng) hidden anguish; secret suffering

隐睾 (w)

(yǐngāo) cryptorchidism; undescended testis

隐瞒 (w)

(yǐnmán) to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth

隐私 (w)

(yǐnsī) secrets; private business; privacy

隐私政策 (w)

(yǐnsīzhèngcè) privacy policy

隐私权 (w)

(yǐnsīquán) privacy right

隐秘 (w)

(yǐnmì) secret; hidden

隐约 (w)

(yǐnyuē) vague; faint; indistinct

隐约其辞 (w)

(yǐnyuēqící) equivocal speech; to use vague or ambiguous language

隐色 (w)

(yǐnsè) protective coloration (esp. of insects); camouflage

隐花植物 (w)

(yǐnhuāzhíwù) Cryptogamae; cryptogamous plant (botany); plants such as algae 藻類|藻类[zao3 lei4], moss 苔蘚|苔藓[tai2 xian3] and fern 蕨類|蕨类[jue2 lei4] that reproduce by spores 孢子[bao1 zi3] in place of flowers

隐蔽 (w)

(yǐnbì) to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover

隐蔽强迫下载 (w)

(yǐnbìqiǎngpòxiàzài) drive-by download (a form of malware booby-trap); silent drive-by download

隐藏 (w)

(yǐncáng) to hide; to conceal; to mask; to lie low; to nestle; to shelter; to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden); hidden; implicit; private; covert; recessed (lighting); a hideout

隐藏处 (w)

(yǐncángchù) shelter; hiding place

隐血 (w)

(yǐnxuè) occult blood (in medicine, fecal blood from internal bleeding)

隐衷 (w)

(yǐnzhōng) a secret; sth best not told to anyone; confidential information

隐语 (w)

(yǐnyǔ) secret language; codeword

隐讳 (w)

(yǐnhuì) a taboo subject; sth best kept secret

隐迹 (w)

(yǐnjì) hidden tracks

隐迹埋名 (w)

(yǐnjìmáimíng) to live incognito

隐身 (w)

(yǐnshēn) to hide oneself; invisible (person or online status)

隐身草 (w)

(yǐnshēncǎo) legendary grass conferring invisibility; fig. to conceal oneself or one's plans

隐身草儿 (w)

(yǐnshēncǎor) erhua variant of 隱身草|隐身草, legendary grass conferring invisibility

隐退 (w)

(yǐntuì) to retire (from society, esp. from politics); to vanish

隐逸 (w)

(yǐnyì) privacy

隐遁 (w)

(yǐndùn) to hide (from the world)

隐避 (w)

(yǐnbì) to hide; to conceal and avoid (contact); to keep sth concealed

隐隐 (w)

(yǐnyǐn) faint; indistinct

隐隐约约 (w)

(yǐnyǐnyuēyuē) faint; distant; barely audible

隐隐绰绰 (w)

(yǐnyǐnchuòchuò) faint; distant; indistinct

隐显 (w)

(yǐnxiǎn) appearing and disappearing; dimly visible; intermittent; implicit (but not clearly present)

隐显目标 (w)

(yǐnxiǎnmùbiāo) intermittent target

隐颧 (w)

(yǐnquán) a skull with sunken cheek bone; cryptozygous

隐饰 (w)

(yǐnshì) a cover-up