
(diāo) variant of 雕[diao1], to engrave


(diāo) to engrave; shrewd

雕像 (w)

(diāoxiàng) sculpture; (carved) statue; CL:尊[zun1]

雕刻 (w)

(diāokè) to carve; to engrave; carving

雕刻品 (w)

(diāokèpǐn) sculpture

雕刻家 (w)

(diāokèjiā) sculptor

雕塑 (w)

(diāosù) a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to carve

雕梁画栋 (w)

(diāoliánghuàdòng) richly ornamented (building)

雕楹碧槛 (w)

(diāoyíngbìkǎn) carved pillar, jade doorsill (idiom); heavily decorated environment

雕漆 (w)

(diāoqī) carved lacquerware

雕版 (w)

(diāobǎn) a carved printing block

雕琢 (w)

(diāozhuó) to sculpt; to carve (jade); ornate artwork; overly elaborate prose

雕花 (w)

(diāohuā) carving; decorative carved pattern; arabesque

雕虫小技 (w)

(diāochóngxiǎojì) my insignificant talent (humble expr.); my humble writings

雕虫篆刻 (w)

(diāochóngzhuànkè) my insignificant talent (humble expr.); my humble writings

雕镌 (w)

(diāojuān) to engrave (wood or stone); to carve

雕阑 (w)

(diāolán) carved railings

雕饰 (w)

(diāoshì) to carve; to decorate; carved; decorated


(diāo) golden eagle

雕具座 (w)

(diāojùzuò) Caelum (constellation)