
(zhèn) to shake; to vibrate; to jolt; to quake; excited; shocked; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing thunder; ☳

震中 (w)

(zhènzhōng) earthquake epicenter

震动 (w)

(zhèndòng) to shake; to vibrate; to strongly affect; shock; vibration

震动力 (w)

(zhèndònglì) force of seismic wave

震区 (w)

(zhènqū) earthquake area

震古烁今 (w)

(zhèngǔshuòjīn) shaking the old and illuminating the new (idiom); surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries; glorious and world-shattering

震天动地 (w)

(zhèntiāndòngdì) to shake heaven and earth (idiom)

震怒 (w)

(zhènnù) to be furious

震情 (w)

(zhènqíng) circumstances of an earthquake

震惶 (w)

(zhènhuáng) to terrify

震感 (w)

(zhèngǎn) tremors (from an earthquake)

震栗 (w)

(zhènlì) trembling; to shiver with fear

震慑 (w)

(zhènshè) to awe; to intimidate

震撼 (w)

(zhènhàn) to shake; to vibrate; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; fig. mind-blowing

震撼性 (w)

(zhènhànxìng) shocking

震旦 (w)

(zhèndàn) ancient Indian name for China

震旦纪 (w)

(zhèndànjì) Sinian (c. 800-542 million years ago), late phase of pre-Cambrian geological era

震昏 (w)

(zhènhūn) to knock out (of a jolt from an earthquake or crash)

震波 (w)

(zhènbō) seismic wave

震波图 (w)

(zhènbōtú) seismogram

震波曲线 (w)

(zhènbōqūxiàn) seismogram

震源 (w)

(zhènyuán) epicenter (of earthquake); hypocenter

震源机制 (w)

(zhènyuánjīzhì) focal mechanism of earthquake

震灾 (w)

(zhènzāi) earthquake damage

震荡 (w)

(zhèndàng) to shake unsteadily; also written 震蕩|震荡

震眩弹 (w)

(zhènxuàndàn) stun grenade

震级 (w)

(zhènjí) degree of earthquake (on magnitude scale)

震耳 (w)

(zhèněr) ear-splitting

震耳欲聋 (w)

(zhèněryùlóng) ear-splitting (idiom); deafening

震聋 (w)

(zhènlóng) to deafen

震荡 (w)

(zhèndàng) to vibrate; to shake; to shudder

震觉 (w)

(zhènjué) perception of tremor

震音 (w)

(zhènyīn) tremolo

震响 (w)

(zhènxiǎng) trembling sound; vibration

震颤 (w)

(zhènchàn) to tremble; to quiver

震颤素 (w)

(zhènchànsù) tremorine (drug inducing shivering)

震颤麻痹 (w)

(zhènchànmábì) palsy; trembling paralysis; used for Parkinson's disease 帕金森病[Pa4 jin1 sen1 bing4]

震骇 (w)

(zhènhài) to astonish; to horrify

震惊 (w)

(zhènjīng) to shock; to astonish

震惊中外 (w)

(zhènjīngzhōngwài) to shock the whole world