
(shùn) to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable

顺便 (w)

(shùnbiàn) conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort

顺其自然 (w)

(shùnqízìrán) to let nature take its course (idiom)

顺利 (w)

(shùnlì) smoothly; without a hitch

顺势 (w)

(shùnshì) to take advantage; to seize an opportunity; in passing; without taking extra trouble; conveniently

顺势疗法 (w)

(shùnshìliáofǎ) homeopathy (alternative medicine)

顺化 (w)

(shùnhuà) Hue, city in central Vietnam and capital of Thua Thien province

顺口 (w)

(shùnkǒu) to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)

顺口溜 (w)

(shùnkǒuliū) popular piece of doggerel; common phrase repeated as a jingle

顺和 (w)

(shùnhé) gentle; affable

顺嘴 (w)

(shùnzuǐ) to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)

顺嘴儿 (w)

(shùnzuǐr) to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)

顺坦 (w)

(shùntan) smoothly; as one expects

顺城 (w)

(shùnchéng) Shuncheng district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning

顺城区 (w)

(shùnchéngqū) Shuncheng district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning

顺境 (w)

(shùnjìng) favorable circumstances

顺导 (w)

(shùndǎo) to guide sth on its proper course; to guide towards profitable outcome

顺差 (w)

(shùnchā) (trade or budget) surplus

顺带 (w)

(shùndài) (do sth) in passing; incidentally (while doing sth else)

顺平 (w)

(shùnpíng) Shunping county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei

顺平县 (w)

(shùnpíngxiàn) Shunping county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei

顺序 (w)

(shùnxù) sequence; order

顺序数 (w)

(shùnxùshù) ordinal number

顺延 (w)

(shùnyán) to postpone; to procrastinate

顺式 (w)

(shùnshì) cis- (isomer) (chemistry); see also 反式[fan3 shi4]

顺从 (w)

(shùncóng) obedient; to comply; to submit; to defer

顺德 (w)

(shùndé) Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong

顺德区 (w)

(shùndéqū) Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong

顺心 (w)

(shùnxīn) happy; satisfactory

顺意 (w)

(shùnyì) pleasant; agreeable

顺庆 (w)

(shùnqìng) Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充市[Nan2 chong1 shi4], Sichuan

顺庆区 (w)

(shùnqìngqū) Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充市[Nan2 chong1 shi4], Sichuan

顺应 (w)

(shùnyìng) to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to

顺应不良 (w)

(shùnyìngbùliáng) inability to adjust; unable to adapt

顺应天时 (w)

(shùnyìngtiānshí) going with nature and the seasons (traditional Chinese medicine concept)

顺我者昌逆我者亡 (w)

(shùnwǒzhěchāngnìwǒzhěwáng) submit to me and prosper, or oppose me and perish

顺手 (w)

(shùnshǒu) easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy

顺手儿 (w)

(shùnshǒur) handy; convenient and easy to use; smoothly

顺手牵羊 (w)

(shùnshǒuqiānyáng) lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emergency; to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain

顺叙 (w)

(shùnxù) chronological narrative

顺昌 (w)

(shùnchāng) Shunchang county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2], Fujian

顺昌县 (w)

(shùnchāngxiàn) Shunchang county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2], Fujian

顺时针 (w)

(shùnshízhēn) clockwise

顺畅 (w)

(shùnchàng) smooth and unhindered; fluent

顺服 (w)

(shùnfú) to submit to

顺次 (w)

(shùncì) in order; in proper sequence

顺民 (w)

(shùnmín) docile subject (of new dynasty); toady

顺气 (w)

(shùnqì) nice; pleasant

顺水 (w)

(shùnshuǐ) with the current

顺水人情 (w)

(shùnshuǐrénqíng) to do sb a favor at little cost

顺水推舟 (w)

(shùnshuǐtuīzhōu) lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit

顺水推船 (w)

(shùnshuǐtuīchuán) lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit

顺河区 (w)

(shùnhéqū) Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市[Kai1 feng1 shi4], Henan

顺河回族区 (w)

(shùnhéhuízúqū) Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市[Kai1 feng1 shi4], Henan

顺治 (w)

(shùnzhì) reign name of second Qing emperor (1644-1662)

顺治帝 (w)

(shùnzhìdì) Fulin Emperor Shunzhi (1638-1662), second Qing emperor, reigned 1644-1662

顺溜 (w)

(shùnliu) orderly; tidy; smooth

顺潮 (w)

(shùncháo) favorable tide

顺理成章 (w)

(shùnlǐchéngzhāng) logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text)

顺当 (w)

(shùndang) smoothly

顺眼 (w)

(shùnyǎn) pleasing to the eye; nice to look at

顺义 (w)

(shùnyì) Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county

顺义区 (w)

(shùnyìqū) Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county

顺耳 (w)

(shùněr) pleasing to the ear

顺着 (w)

(shùnzhe) to follow; following; along

顺藤摸瓜 (w)

(shùnténgmōguā) lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon; to track sth following clues

顺行 (w)

(shùnxíng) circular motion in the same sense as the sun; clockwise

顺访 (w)

(shùnfǎng) to visit in passing

顺路 (w)

(shùnlù) by the way; while out doing sth else; conveniently

顺遂 (w)

(shùnsuì) everything is going smoothly; just as one wishes

顺道 (w)

(shùndào) on the way

顺适 (w)

(shùnshì) agreeable; to conform

顺风 (w)

(shùnfēng) lit. tail wind; Bon voyage!

顺风耳 (w)

(shùnfēngěr) sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction); fig. a well-informed person

顺风车 (w)

(shùnfēngchē) to hitchhike; along for the ride

顺风转舵 (w)

(shùnfēngzhuǎnduò) to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled