
(fēng) wind; news; style; custom; manner; CL:陣|阵[zhen4],絲|丝[si1]

风干 (w)

(fēnggān) to air-dry; to season (timber etc); air-dried; air-drying

风俗 (w)

(fēngsú) social custom; CL:個|个[ge4]

风信子 (w)

(fēngxìnzǐ) hyacinth (flower)

风传 (w)

(fēngchuán) it is rumored that

风光 (w)

(fēngguāng) scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-regarded; to be well-off; grand (topolect); impressive (topolect)

风切变 (w)

(fēngqiēbiàn) wind shear (meteorology)

风力 (w)

(fēnglì) wind-force; wind power

风力水车 (w)

(fēnglìshuǐchē) wind-powered waterwheel

风化 (w)

(fēnghuà) to weather (rocks); wind erosion

风化作用 (w)

(fēnghuàzuòyòng) weathering (of rocks); erosion (by wind etc)

风口 (w)

(fēngkǒu) air vent; drafty place; wind gap (geology); tuyere (furnace air nozzle)

风口浪尖 (w)

(fēngkǒulàngjiān) where the wind and the waves are the fiercest; at the heart of the struggle

风向 (w)

(fēngxiàng) wind direction; the way the wind is blowing; fig. trends (esp. unpredictable ones); how things are developing; course of events

风向标 (w)

(fēngxiàngbiāo) vane; propellor blade; weather vane; windsock

风吹雨打 (w)

(fēngchuīyǔdǎ) lit. windswept and battered by rain; to undergo hardship (idiom)

风味 (w)

(fēngwèi) local flavor; local style

风和日暄 (w)

(fēnghérìxuān) gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom)

风和日暖 (w)

(fēnghérìnuǎn) gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom)

风和日丽 (w)

(fēnghérìlì) moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom); fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime

风圈 (w)

(fēngquān) ring around the moon; lunar halo; solar halo

风土 (w)

(fēngtǔ) natural conditions and social customs of a place; local conditions

风土人情 (w)

(fēngtǔrénqíng) local conditions and customs (idiom)

风城 (w)

(fēngchéng) The Windy City, nickname for Chicago 芝加哥[Zhi1 jia1 ge1], Wellington, New Zealand 惠靈頓|惠灵顿[Hui4 ling2 dun4] and Hsinchu, Taiwan 新竹[Xin1 zhu2]

风尘 (w)

(fēngchén) windblown dust; hardships of travel; vicissitudes of life; prostitution

风尘仆仆 (w)

(fēngchénpúpú) lit. covered in dust (idiom); fig. travel-worn

风姿 (w)

(fēngzī) good looks; good figure; graceful bearing; charm

风姿绰约 (w)

(fēngzīchuòyāo) graceful; charming; feminine

风寒 (w)

(fēnghán) wind and cold air; cold weather; common cold (medicine)

风尚 (w)

(fēngshàng) current custom; current way of doing things

风帆 (w)

(fēngfān) sail; sailing boat

风平浪静 (w)

(fēngpínglàngjìng) lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; all is quiet; a dead calm (at sea)

风度 (w)

(fēngdù) elegance (for men); elegant demeanor; grace; poise

风恬浪静 (w)

(fēngtiánlàngjìng) lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; All is quiet.; a dead calm (at sea)

风情 (w)

(fēngqíng) information about wind force, direction etc; elegant demeanor; interest and charm; amorous feelings; flirtatious expressions; local conditions and customs

风成 (w)

(fēngchéng) produced by wind; eolian

风景 (w)

(fēngjǐng) scenery; landscape; CL:個|个[ge4]

风暴 (w)

(fēngbào) storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)

风暴潮 (w)

(fēngbàocháo) storm surge

风月 (w)

(fēngyuè) romance; beautiful scenery; small or petty (of talk etc)

风格 (w)

(fēnggé) style

风标 (w)

(fēngbiāo) wind vane; anemometer; weathercock; fig. person who switches allegiance readily; turncoat

风档玻璃 (w)

(fēngdàngbōli) windscreen (car window)

风气 (w)

(fēngqì) general mood; atmosphere; common practice

风水 (w)

(fēngshuǐ) feng shui; geomancy

风水先生 (w)

(fēngshuǐxiānsheng) fengshui master; geomancer; stock figure in folk tales, as wise adviser or as charlatan

风水轮流 (w)

(fēngshuǐlúnliú) The wheel of fortune turns.

风水轮流转 (w)

(fēngshuǐlúnliúzhuàn) Reversal of the wheel of fortune.; Every dog has his day.

风沙 (w)

(fēngshā) sand blown by wind; sandstorm

风油精 (w)

(fēngyóujīng) essential balm containing menthol, eucalyptus oil etc, used as a mosquito repellant

风波 (w)

(fēngbō) disturbance; crisis; disputes; restlessness; CL:場|场[chang2]

风洞 (w)

(fēngdòng) wind tunnel

风流 (w)

(fēngliú) distinguished and accomplished; outstanding; talented in letters and unconventional in life style; romantic; dissolute; loose

风流佳话 (w)

(fēngliújiāhuà) romance; romantic affair

风流债 (w)

(fēngliúzhài) involved in a love affair

风流云散 (w)

(fēngliúyúnsàn) lit. wind flows, clouds scatter (idiom); the crisis settles down; people disperse home; things return to normal

风流韵事 (w)

(fēngliúyùnshì) poetic and passionate (idiom); romance; love affair

风浪 (w)

(fēnglàng) wind and waves; stormy sea

风凉话 (w)

(fēngliánghuà) sneering; sarcasm; cynical remarks

风泼 (w)

(fēngpō) crazy

风潮 (w)

(fēngcháo) tempest; wave (of popular sentiment etc); craze or fad

风湿 (w)

(fēngshī) rheumatism

风湿性关节炎 (w)

(fēngshīxìngguānjiéyán) rheumatoid arthritis

风湿热 (w)

(fēngshīrè) rheumatic fever

风湿关节炎 (w)

(fēngshīguānjiéyán) rheumatoid arthritis

风灾 (w)

(fēngzāi) wind damage; disaster caused by storm

风烛残年 (w)

(fēngzhúcánnián) one's late days; to have one foot in the grave

风物 (w)

(fēngwù) scenery; sights

风琴 (w)

(fēngqín) pipe organ (musical instrument)

风疹 (w)

(fēngzhěn) rubella

风瘫 (w)

(fēngtān) paralysis; see also 癱瘓|瘫痪[tan1 huan4]

风穴 (w)

(fēngxué) wind cave

风窗 (w)

(fēngchuāng) air vent; louver; window

风笛 (w)

(fēngdí) bagpipes

风筝 (w)

(fēngzhēng) kite

风箱 (w)

(fēngxiāng) bellows

风范 (w)

(fēngfàn) air; manner; model; paragon; demeanor

风闻 (w)

(fēngwén) to learn sth through hearsay; to get wind of sth

风声 (w)

(fēngshēng) rumor; talk; news; information; sound of the wind; teaching

风能 (w)

(fēngnéng) wind power

风花雪月 (w)

(fēnghuāxuěyuè) wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject (idiom); effete language without substance; love affair; romance is in the air

风华 (w)

(fēnghuá) magnificent

风华正茂 (w)

(fēnghuázhèngmào) in one's prime

风华绝代 (w)

(fēnghuájuédài) magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent

风蚀 (w)

(fēngshí) wind erosion

风行 (w)

(fēngxíng) to become fashionable; to catch on; to be popular

风行一时 (w)

(fēngxíngyīshí) to be popular for a while; to be all the rage for a time

风衣 (w)

(fēngyī) windbreaker; wind cheater; wind jacket; CL:件[jian4]

风调 (w)

(fēngdiào) character (of a person, verse, object etc); style

风调雨顺 (w)

(fēngtiáoyǔshùn) favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops

风谕 (w)

(fēngyù) satire

风貌 (w)

(fēngmào) style; manner; ethos

风起潮涌 (w)

(fēngqǐcháoyǒng) lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up; turbulent times; violent development (idiom)

风起云涌 (w)

(fēngqǐyúnyǒng) lit. rising winds, scudding clouds (idiom); turbulent times; violent development

风趣 (w)

(fēngqù) humor; wit; humorous; witty

风车 (w)

(fēngchē) pinwheel; windmill

风速 (w)

(fēngsù) wind speed

风邪 (w)

(fēngxié) pathogenic influence (in traditional Chinese medicine)

风采 (w)

(fēngcǎi) svelte; elegant manner; graceful bearing

风镜 (w)

(fēngjìng) goggles (esp. against wind and sandstorms)

风钻 (w)

(fēngzuān) pneumatic drill

风阻尼器 (w)

(fēngzǔníqì) wind damper (engineering)

风险 (w)

(fēngxiǎn) risk; hazard

风险估计 (w)

(fēngxiǎngūjì) risk assessment

风险投资 (w)

(fēngxiǎntóuzī) venture capital

风险管理 (w)

(fēngxiǎnguǎnlǐ) risk management

风雨 (w)

(fēngyǔ) wind and rain; the elements; trials and hardships

风雨同舟 (w)

(fēngyǔtóngzhōu) lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in hard times

风雨如晦 (w)

(fēngyǔrúhuì) lit. wind and rain darken the sky (idiom); fig. the situation looks grim

风雨晦冥 (w)

(fēngyǔhuìmíng) conditions of extreme adversity (idiom)

风雨欲来 (w)

(fēngyǔyùlái) lit. storm clouds approach; troubles lie ahead (idiom)

风雨凄凄 (w)

(fēngyǔqīqī) wretched wind and rain

风雨漂摇 (w)

(fēngyǔpiāoyáo) tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom); (of a situation) unstable

风雨无阻 (w)

(fēngyǔwúzǔ) regardless of weather conditions; rain, hail or shine

风雨飘摇 (w)

(fēngyǔpiāoyáo) tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom); (of a situation) unstable

风云 (w)

(fēngyún) Fung Wan (comic book series)

风云人物 (w)

(fēngyúnrénwù) the man of the moment (idiom); a prominent personality

风云变幻 (w)

(fēngyúnbiànhuàn) sudden change (idiom); changeable situation

风霜 (w)

(fēngshuāng) wind and frost; fig. hardships

风靡 (w)

(fēngmǐ) fashionable; popular

风靡一时 (w)

(fēngmǐyīshí) fashionable for a while (idiom); all the rage

风韵 (w)

(fēngyùn) charm; grace; elegant bearing (usually feminine)

风头 (w)

(fēngtóu) wind direction; the way the wind blows; fig. trend; direction of events; how things develop (esp. how they affect oneself); public opinion (concerning one's actions); publicity (usually derog.); limelight

风风火火 (w)

(fēngfēnghuǒhuǒ) bustling; energetic

风马牛不相及 (w)

(fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí) lit. a horse and cow in heat do not look to each other; two things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other (idiom)

风驰电掣 (w)

(fēngchídiànchè) fast as lightning

风骚 (w)

(fēngsāo) literary excellence; flirtatious behavior

风骨 (w)

(fēnggǔ) strength of character; vigorous style (of calligraphy)