
(jī) hungry

饥不择食 (w)

(jībùzéshí) when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom); beggars can't be choosers; When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives.

饥寒交迫 (w)

(jīhánjiāopò) lit. both hunger and cold press (idiom); starving and freezing; in desperate poverty

饥渴 (w)

(jīkě) hunger and thirst

饥肠辘辘 (w)

(jīchánglùlù) stomach rumbling with hunger

饥饿 (w)

(jīè) hunger; starvation; famine


(jī) variant of 飢|饥[ji1]

饥荒 (w)

(jīhuāng) crop failure; famine; debt; difficulty

饥馑荐臻 (w)

(jījǐnjiànzhēn) famine repeats unceasingly (idiom, from Book of Songs)