
(bó) variegated; heterogeneous; to refute; to contradict; to ship by barge; a barge; a lighter (ship)

驳倒 (w)

(bódǎo) to refute; to demolish (an argument, theory etc)

驳回 (w)

(bóhuí) reject; turn down; overrule

驳子 (w)

(bózi) to tow (a barge)

驳岸 (w)

(bóàn) a low stone wall built along the water's edge to protect an embankment; revetment

驳复 (w)

(bófù) to refute

驳斥 (w)

(bóchì) to refute; to debunk; to deny; to denounce

驳正 (w)

(bózhèng) to refute and correct

驳壳枪 (w)

(bókéqiāng) Mauser pistol

驳船 (w)

(bóchuán) barge; lighter

驳词 (w)

(bócí) to refute

驳议 (w)

(bóyì) to correct (in writing) sb's errors or misconceptions

驳辞 (w)

(bócí) refutation; incoherent speech

驳运 (w)

(bóyùn) transport by lighter; lighter

驳杂 (w)

(bózá) heterogeneous

驳面子 (w)

(bómiànzi) to contradict sb to his face; insensitive to other's feelings