
(jià) surname Jia


(jià) to harness; to draw (a cart etc); to drive; to pilot; to sail; to ride; your good self; prefixed word denoting respect (polite 敬辞)

驾崩 (w)

(jiàbēng) death of king or emperor; demise

驾帆船 (w)

(jiàfānchuán) sailing

驾御 (w)

(jiàyù) variant of 駕馭|驾驭[jia4 yu4]; to urge on (of horse); to drive; to steer; to handle; to manage; to master; to dominate

驾照 (w)

(jiàzhào) driver's license

驾临 (w)

(jiàlín) your arrival (honorific); your esteemed presence; you favor us by coming

驾艇 (w)

(jiàtǐng) to sail; to cruise; to pilot a ship

驾车 (w)

(jiàchē) to drive a vehicle

驾轻就熟 (w)

(jiàqīngjiùshú) lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress easy; a task that is so familiar one can do it with one's hand tied behind one's back

驾辕 (w)

(jiàyuán) to pull a carriage (of draft animal)

驾云 (w)

(jiàyún) to ride the clouds; fig. self-satisfied; arrogant

驾驭 (w)

(jiàyù) to urge on (of horse); to drive; to steer; to handle; to manage; to master; to dominate

驾驶 (w)

(jiàshǐ) to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive

驾驶人 (w)

(jiàshǐrén) (car, van) driver

驾驶员 (w)

(jiàshǐyuán) pilot; driver

驾驶执照 (w)

(jiàshǐzhízhào) driver's license

驾驶席 (w)

(jiàshǐxí) driver's side

驾驶舱 (w)

(jiàshǐcāng) cockpit; control cabin

驾驶证 (w)

(jiàshǐzhèng) driving license

驾鹤成仙 (w)

(jiàhèchéngxiān) to fly on a crane and become immortal

驾鹤西去 (w)

(jiàhèxīqù) lit. to fly on a crane to the Western Paradise; fig. to pass away (idiom)

驾鹤西归 (w)

(jiàhèxīguī) see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去[jia4 he4 xi1 qu4]

驾鹤西游 (w)

(jiàhèxīyóu) see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去[jia4 he4 xi1 qu4]