
(gǔ) bone

骨刺 (w)

(gǔcì) spur; bony outgrowth

骨刻 (w)

(gǔkè) carving in bone

骨力 (w)

(gǔlì) strength; vigorous (calligraphy)

骨化 (w)

(gǔhuà) to ossify; ossification

骨器 (w)

(gǔqì) bone tool (archaeology)

骨子 (w)

(gǔzi) ribs; frame

骨子里 (w)

(gǔzilǐ) what sb feels (or knows etc) in his bones (derog.); private understanding between individuals (derog.)

骨干 (w)

(gǔgàn) diaphysis (long segment of a bone); fig. backbone

骨干网路 (w)

(gǔgànwǎnglù) backbone network

骨感 (w)

(gǔgǎn) bony; skinny

骨折 (w)

(gǔzhé) broken bones; fracture

骨料 (w)

(gǔliào) aggregate (sand or gravel used in concrete 混凝土)

骨朵 (w)

(gǔduǒ) club (stick-like weapon)

骨架 (w)

(gǔjià) framework; skeleton

骨殖 (w)

(gǔshi) skeletal remains; Taiwan pr. [gu3 zhi2]

骨气 (w)

(gǔqì) unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone

骨法 (w)

(gǔfǎ) bone (property of a brush stroke)

骨灰 (w)

(gǔhuī) bone ash; ashes of the dead

骨灰盒 (w)

(gǔhuīhé) box for bone ashes; funerary casket

骨炭 (w)

(gǔtàn) bone black; animal charcoal

骨烬 (w)

(gǔjìn) bones and ashes; remains (after Buddhist cremation)

骨片 (w)

(gǔpiàn) spicule

骨牌 (w)

(gǔpái) dominoes

骨牌效应 (w)

(gǔpáixiàoyìng) domino effect; ripple effect

骨病 (w)

(gǔbìng) osteopathy

骨瘤 (w)

(gǔliú) osteoma (benign tumor composed of bone-like material)

骨瘦如柴 (w)

(gǔshòurúchái) as thin as a match; emaciated (idiom)

骨盆 (w)

(gǔpén) pelvis

骨碌碌 (w)

(gǔlùlù) (onomat.) rolling around; spinning; also spoken pr. [gu3 lu1 lu1]

骨科 (w)

(gǔkē) orthopedics; orthopedic surgery

骨立 (w)

(gǔlì) thin; emaciated

骨节 (w)

(gǔjié) joint (of the skeleton)

骨粉 (w)

(gǔfěn) bone meal

骨坛 (w)

(gǔtán) urn

骨肉 (w)

(gǔròu) blood relation; kin; one's flesh and blood

骨肉相残 (w)

(gǔròuxiāngcán) close kindred slaughter one another (idiom); internecine strife

骨肉相连 (w)

(gǔròuxiānglián) lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related; closely intertwined

骨肥厚 (w)

(gǔféihòu) hyperostosis (abnormal thickening of bone)

骨膜 (w)

(gǔmó) periosteum (membrane covering bone)

骨胶原 (w)

(gǔjiāoyuán) collagen (protein)

骨董 (w)

(gǔdǒng) antique; curio

骨血 (w)

(gǔxuè) flesh and blood; one's offspring

骨质疏松 (w)

(gǔzhìshūsōng) osteoporosis

骨质疏松症 (w)

(gǔzhìshūsōngzhèng) osteoporosis

骨都都 (w)

(gǔdōudōu) onomatopoeia for plopping sound

骨针 (w)

(gǔzhēn) spicule (in biology); bone needle (in archaeology)

骨头 (w)

(gǔtou) bone; strong character; CL:根[gen1],塊|块[kuai4]

骨头架子 (w)

(gǔtoujiàzi) skeleton; skinny person; a mere skeleton

骨头节儿 (w)

(gǔtoujiér) joint (of the skeleton)

骨骺 (w)

(gǔhóu) epiphysis (end of a long bone)

骨骼 (w)

(gǔgé) bones; skeleton

骨骼肌 (w)

(gǔgéjī) striated muscle

骨髓 (w)

(gǔsuǐ) bone marrow (medulla ossea)

骨髓移植 (w)

(gǔsuǐyízhí) bone marrow transplant

骨髓腔 (w)

(gǔsuǐqiāng) marrow cavity (in long bones)

骨鲠 (w)

(gǔgěng) fish bone; bone stuck in the throat; sth one feels obliged to speak out about; candid speaker

骨鲠之臣 (w)

(gǔgěngzhīchén) lit. fish bone of a minister (idiom); fig. person one can rely on for candid criticism

骨鲠在喉 (w)

(gǔgěngzàihóu) fish bone stuck in one's throat (idiom); fig. to feel obliged to speak out candidly; sth on one's mind