
(lǔ) surname Lu; Shandong Province 山東省|山东省[Shan1 dong1 Sheng3]; vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC) in modern day Shangdong Province


(lǔ) crass; stupid; rude

鲁人 (w)

(lǔrén) person from Shandong; often refers to Confucius; stupid person

鲁佛尔宫 (w)

(lǔfúěrgōng) the Louvre

鲁凯族 (w)

(lǔkǎizú) Rukai, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan

鲁史 (w)

(lǔshǐ) History of Kingdom Lu; refers to the Spring and Autumn annals 春秋 (edited by Confucius)

鲁君 (w)

(lǔjūn) the lord of Lu (who declined to employ Confucius)

鲁国 (w)

(lǔguó) old name for Shandong (often in connection with Confucius)

鲁国人 (w)

(lǔguórén) person from Shandong; often refers to Confucius

鲁子敬 (w)

(lǔzǐjìng) Lu Zijing or Lu Su 魯肅|鲁肃 (172-217), statesman, diplomat and strategist of Eastern Wu 東吳|东吴

鲁山 (w)

(lǔshān) Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan

鲁山县 (w)

(lǔshānxiàn) Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan

鲁德维格 (w)

(lǔdéwéigé) Ludwig (name); Ludovic (name)

鲁昂 (w)

(lǔáng) Rouen (France)

鲁棒 (w)

(lǔbàng) robust; solid

鲁棒性 (w)

(lǔbàngxìng) robustness

鲁汶 (w)

(lǔwèn) Leuven (a town in Belgium famous for its university)

鲁尔 (w)

(lǔěr) Ruhrgebiet or Ruhr region, Germany

鲁尔河 (w)

(lǔěrhé) Ruhr river, a tributary of the Rhine in Germany

鲁特啤酒 (w)

(lǔtèpíjiǔ) root beer

鲁班 (w)

(lǔbān) Lu Ban, legendary master craftsman, called the father of Chinese carpentry

鲁甸 (w)

(lǔdiàn) Ludian county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan

鲁甸县 (w)

(lǔdiànxiàn) Ludian county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan

鲁毕克方块 (w)

(lǔbìkèfāngkuài) Rubik's cube; magic cube

鲁肃 (w)

(lǔsù) Lu Su or Lu Zijing 魯子敬|鲁子敬 (172-217), statesman, diplomat and strategist of Eastern Wu 東吳|东吴

鲁莽 (w)

(lǔmǎng) hot-headed; impulsive; reckless

鲁菜 (w)

(lǔcài) Shandong cuisine

鲁宾 (w)

(lǔbīn) Rubin (name); Robert E. Rubin (1938-), US Treasury Secretary 1995-1999 under President Clinton

鲁迅 (w)

(lǔxùn) Lu Xun (1881-1936), one of the earliest and best-known modern Chinese writers

鲁钝 (w)

(lǔdùn) stupid; slow on the uptake