
(niǎo) bird; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]

鸟不生蛋 (w)

(niǎobùshēngdàn) deserted (of a place)

鸟儿 (w)

(niǎor) bird

鸟嘌呤 (w)

(niǎopiàolìng) guanine nucleotide (G, pairs with cytosine C 胞嘧啶 in DNA and RNA)

鸟嘴 (w)

(niǎozuǐ) beak

鸟屋 (w)

(niǎowū) birdhouse

鸟巢 (w)

(niǎocháo) bird's nest; nickname for Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium

鸟松 (w)

(niǎosōng) Niaosong or Niaosung township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

鸟松乡 (w)

(niǎosōngxiāng) Niaosong or Niaosung township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

鸟枪 (w)

(niǎoqiāng) flintlock musket; fowling piece (shotgun); air gun

鸟枪换炮 (w)

(niǎoqiānghuànpào) bird shotgun replaced by cannon (idiom); equipment improved enormously

鸟机 (w)

(niǎojī) fowling piece (archaic gun)

鸟澡盆 (w)

(niǎozǎopén) birdbath

鸟兽 (w)

(niǎoshòu) birds and beasts; fauna

鸟兽散 (w)

(niǎoshòusàn) to scatter like birds and beasts

鸟疫 (w)

(niǎoyì) ornithosis

鸟疫衣原体 (w)

(niǎoyìyīyuántǐ) Chlamydia ornithosis

鸟尽弓藏 (w)

(niǎojìngōngcáng) lit. the birds are over, the bow is put away (idiom); fig. to get rid of sb once he has served his purpose

鸟眼 (w)

(niǎoyǎn) bird's eye

鸟眼纹 (w)

(niǎoyǎnwén) bird's eye (common company name)

鸟瞰 (w)

(niǎokàn) to get a bird's-eye view; bird's-eye view; broad overview

鸟瞰图 (w)

(niǎokàntú) bird's-eye view; see also 俯瞰圖|俯瞰图[fu3 kan4 tu2]

鸟禽 (w)

(niǎoqín) bird

鸟窝 (w)

(niǎowō) bird's nest

鸟篆 (w)

(niǎozhuàn) bird characters (a decorated form of the Great Seal)

鸟笼 (w)

(niǎolóng) birdcage

鸟粪 (w)

(niǎofèn) guano; bird excrement

鸟羽 (w)

(niǎoyǔ) pinion

鸟胺酸 (w)

(niǎoànsuān) ornithine

鸟脚下目 (w)

(niǎojiǎoxiàmù) Ornithopoda, suborder of herbivorous dinosaurs including iguanodon

鸟脚亚目 (w)

(niǎojiǎoyàmù) Ornithopoda (suborder of herbivorous dinosaurs)

鸟虫书 (w)

(niǎochóngshū) bird writing, a calligraphic style based on seal script 篆书, but with characters decorated as birds and insects

鸟语花香 (w)

(niǎoyǔhuāxiāng) lit. birdsong and fragrant flowers (idiom); fig. the intoxication of a beautiful spring day

鸟道 (w)

(niǎodào) a road only a bird can manage; steep dangerous road

鸟铳 (w)

(niǎochòng) a bird gun

鸟类 (w)

(niǎolèi) birds

鸟类学 (w)

(niǎolèixué) ornithology; study of birds

鸟鸣 (w)

(niǎomíng) birdsong; warbling