鼂 (U+9F02 radical 黽)

  1. (cháo) surname Chao
  2. (cháo) sea turtle
2 entries starting with 鼂

鼇 (U+9F07 radical 黽)

  1. (áo) variant of 鰲|鳌; mythological sea turtle

鼈 (U+9F08 radical 黽)

  1. (biē) soft-shell turtles (Trionychidae)

鼋 (U+9F0B radical 黾)

  1. (yuán) sea turtle
2 entries starting with 鼋

鼍 (U+9F0D radical 黾)

  1. (tuó) large water lizard

鼎 (U+9F0E radical 鼎)

  1. (dǐng) ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs; pot (topolect); to enter upon a period of (classical); Kangxi radical 244; one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes
23 entries starting with 鼎

鼏 (U+9F0F radical 鼎)

  1. (mì) cover of tripod kettle

鼐 (U+9F10 radical 鼎)

  1. (nài) incense tripod

鼒 (U+9F12 radical 鼎)

  1. (zī) tripod with a small opening on top

鼓 (U+9F13 radical 鼓)

  1. (gǔ) convex; drum; to rouse; to beat; CL:通[tong4],面[mian4]
32 entries starting with 鼓

鼔 (U+9F14 radical 鼓)

鼖 (U+9F16 radical 鼓)

  1. (fén) large brass drum

鼙 (U+9F19 radical 鼓)

  1. (pí) drum carried on horseback

鼚 (U+9F1A radical 鼓)

  1. (chāng) sound of drum

鼛 (U+9F1B radical 鼓)

  1. (gāo) large drum

鼠 (U+9F20 radical 鼠)

  1. (shǔ) rat; mouse; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
20 entries starting with 鼠

鼡 (U+9F21 radical 鼠)

  1. (shǔ) variant of 鼠[shu3]

鼢 (U+9F22 radical 鼠)

  1. (fén) (mole)

鼩 (U+9F29 radical 鼠)

  1. (qú) see 鼩鼱[qu2 jing1]
2 entries starting with 鼩

鼪 (U+9F2A radical 鼠)

  1. (shēng) stoat; weasel

鼫 (U+9F2B radical 鼠)

  1. (shí) long-tailed marmot

鼬 (U+9F2C radical 鼠)

  1. (yòu) see 鼬鼠[you4 shu3]
6 entries starting with 鼬

鼯 (U+9F2F radical 鼠)

  1. (wú) Petaurista leucogenys

鼱 (U+9F31 radical 鼠)

  1. (jīng) see 鼩鼱[qu2 jing1]

鼷 (U+9F37 radical 鼠)

  1. (xī) mouse
2 entries starting with 鼷

鼹 (U+9F39 radical 鼠)

  1. (yǎn) mole
3 entries starting with 鼹

鼻 (U+9F3B radical 鼻)

  1. (bí) nose
38 entries starting with 鼻

鼽 (U+9F3D radical 鼻)

  1. (qiú) congested nose

鼾 (U+9F3E radical 鼻)

  1. (hān) snore; to snore
4 entries starting with 鼾

齁 (U+9F41 radical 鼻)

  1. (hōu) snore; thirsty from salty food

齆 (U+9F46 radical 鼻)

  1. (wèng) stuffed nose

齇 (U+9F47 radical 鼻)

  1. (zhā) rosacea

齈 (U+9F48 radical 鼻)

  1. (nóng) cold in the head catarrh of the nose

齉 (U+9F49 radical 鼻)

  1. (nàng) stoppage of the nose; to speak with a nasal twang; to snuffle (as in nose with a cold); snuffling

齊 (U+9F4A radical 齊)

齌 (U+9F4C radical 齊)

  1. (jì) see 齌怒[ji4 nu4]
2 entries starting with 齌

齐 (U+9F50 radical 齐)

  1. (qí) (name of states and dynasties at several different periods); surname Qi
  2. (qí) neat; even; level with; identical; simultaneous; all together; to even sth out
40 entries starting with 齐

齑 (U+9F51 radical 齐)

  1. (jī) finely chopped meat or vegetables; powdered or fragmentary
2 entries starting with 齑

齒 (U+9F52 radical 齒)

齕 (U+9F55 radical 齒)

  1. (hé) gnaw

齗 (U+9F57 radical 齒)

  1. (kěn) gums (of the teeth); to dispute

齚 (U+9F5A radical 齒)

  1. (cuò) variant of 齰, to bite; to chew

齞 (U+9F5E radical 齒)

  1. (niàn) to display the teeth

齢 (U+9F62 radical 齒)

  1. (líng) Japanese variant of 齡|龄

齣 (U+9F63 radical 齒)

  1. (chū) variant of 出 (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels)

齧 (U+9F67 radical 齒)

  1. (niè) surname Nie
  2. (niè) variant of 嚙|啮[nie4]
3 entries starting with 齧

齩 (U+9F69 radical 齒)

  1. (yǎo) variant of 咬[yao3]

齮 (U+9F6E radical 齒)

  1. (yǐ) surname Yi
  2. (yǐ) bite
2 entries starting with 齮

齯 (U+9F6F radical 齒)

  1. (ní) teeth grown in old age

齰 (U+9F70 radical 齒)

  1. (cuò) to bite

齱 (U+9F71 radical 齒)

  1. (zōu) uneven teeth; buck-toothed
2 entries starting with 齱

齵 (U+9F75 radical 齒)

  1. (yú) uneven (teeth)

齾 (U+9F7E radical 齒)

  1. (yà) dented; chipped; gap-toothed; toothless

齿 (U+9F7F radical 齿)

  1. (chǐ) tooth; CL:顆|颗[ke1]
17 entries starting with 齿

龀 (U+9F80 radical 齿)

  1. (chèn) to replace the milk teeth

龃 (U+9F83 radical 齿)

  1. (jǔ) irregular; uneven teeth
2 entries starting with 龃

龄 (U+9F84 radical 齿)

  1. (líng) age

龅 (U+9F85 radical 齿)

  1. (bāo) projecting teeth
2 entries starting with 龅

龆 (U+9F86 radical 齿)

  1. (tiáo) shed the milk teeth; young

龇 (U+9F87 radical 齿)

  1. (zī) projecting teeth; to bare one's teeth
2 entries starting with 龇

龈 (U+9F88 radical 齿)

  1. (kěn) to gnaw; to bite
  2. (yín) gums
10 entries starting with 龈

龉 (U+9F89 radical 齿)

  1. (yǔ) irregular teeth

龊 (U+9F8A radical 齿)

  1. (chuò) dirty; filthy; base; mean; narrow-minded; petty

龋 (U+9F8B radical 齿)

  1. (qǔ) decayed teeth; dental caries
5 entries starting with 龋

龌 (U+9F8C radical 齿)

  1. (wò) dirty; small-minded
3 entries starting with 龌

龍 (U+9F8D radical 龍)

龑 (U+9F91 radical 龍)

  1. (yǎn) high and bright

龖 (U+9F96 radical 龍)

  1. (dá) a vista of a dragon in flight

龘 (U+9F98 radical 龍)

  1. (dá) old variation of 龖[da2]; the appearance of a dragon flying

龙 (U+9F99 radical 龙)

  1. (lóng) surname Long
  2. (lóng) dragon; CL:條|条[tiao2]; imperial
135 entries starting with 龙

龚 (U+9F9A radical 龙)

  1. (gōng) surname Gong

龛 (U+9F9B radical 龙)

  1. (kān) niche; shrine
2 entries starting with 龛

龜 (U+9F9C radical 龜)

龟 (U+9F9F radical 龟)

  1. (guī) tortoise; turtle
12 entries starting with 龟

龠 (U+9FA0 radical 龠)

  1. (yuè) ancient unit of volume (half a 合[ge3], equivalent to 50ml); ancient flute

龡 (U+9FA1 radical 龠)

  1. (chuì) to blow (a flute); archaic version of 吹

龢 (U+9FA2 radical 龠)

  1. (hé) harmonious; archaic version of 和

龤 (U+9FA4 radical 龠)

  1. (xié) to harmonize; to accord with; to agree

龰 (U+9FB0 radical 止)

龵 (U+9FB5 radical 手)