OGR WEM-21 Graph

For more information on OGR (Optimal Golomb Ruler) searches, see Mark Garry's Golomb Rulers site.

These graphs are a visual representation of the raw workload data for OGR-21. The X axis (toward the right) represents the location of the first mark on the ruler. The Y axis (toward the left) represents the distance from the first mark to the second. The Z axis (up) represents the number of nodes tested.

Select the small image to show the full graph.

[WEM-21 Graph]

In this graph, the Z axis represents the logarithm of the number of nodes tested.

[WEM-21 Log Graph]

I have also created GIF animations that show the progress of the OGR-21 search. These files may take some time to download. But, if your browser shows the animations while they are downloading (most do), you'll have something to watch.

(1999-08-29) I have taken the following GIF files offline. If you want to see these files, send me email and I'll be happy to send them to you.

Animation of last five updates to linear graph (about 60K)
Animation of last five updates to log graph (about 100K)
Animation of complete OGR-21 history (about 500K)
Animation of complete OGR-21 history (log) (about 700K)

Greg Hewgill <greg@hewgill.com>