封 (U+5C01 radical 寸)

  1. (fēng) surname Feng
  2. (fēng) to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters
55 entries starting with 封

専 (U+5C02 radical 寸)

  1. (zhuān) Japanese variant of 專|专

尃 (U+5C03 radical 寸)

  1. (fū) to state to, to announce

射 (U+5C04 radical 寸)

  1. (shè) to shoot; to launch; to allude to; radio- (chemistry)
33 entries starting with 射

尅 (U+5C05 radical 寸)

  1. (kè) variant of 剋|克, to subdue; to destroy; to overcome

将 (U+5C06 radical 寸)

  1. (jiāng) will; shall; to use; to take; to checkmate; just a short while ago
  2. (jiàng) general; commander-in-chief (military); king (chess piece); to command; to lead
  3. (qiāng) to desire; to invite; to request
29 entries starting with 将

尉 (U+5C09 radical 寸)

  1. (wèi) surname Wei
  2. (wèi) military officer
10 entries starting with 尉

尊 (U+5C0A radical 寸)

  1. (zūn) senior; of a senior generation; to honor; to respect; honorific; classifier for cannons and statues; ancient wine vessel
32 entries starting with 尊

尌 (U+5C0C radical 寸)

  1. (shù) standing up; to stand (something) up

小 (U+5C0F radical 小)

  1. (xiǎo) small; tiny; few; young
316 entries starting with 小

少 (U+5C11 radical 小)

  1. (shǎo) few; little; lack
  2. (shào) young
45 entries starting with 少

尒 (U+5C12 radical 小)

  1. (ěr) thou

尓 (U+5C13 radical 小)

  1. (ěr) variant of 尔

尔 (U+5C14 radical 小)

  1. (ěr) thus; so; like that; you; thou
5 entries starting with 尔

尕 (U+5C15 radical 小)

  1. (gǎ) little (dialect)

尖 (U+5C16 radical 小)

  1. (jiān) point (of needle); sharp; shrewd; pointed
33 entries starting with 尖

尗 (U+5C17 radical 小)

  1. (shū) archaic variant of 菽[shu1]; archaic variant of 叔[shu1]

尘 (U+5C18 radical 小)

  1. (chén) dust; dirt; earth
12 entries starting with 尘

尙 (U+5C19 radical 小)

  1. (shàng) variant of 尚, still; yet; to value; to esteem

尚 (U+5C1A radical 小)

  1. (shàng) surname Shang
  2. (shàng) still; yet; to value; to esteem
18 entries starting with 尚

尜 (U+5C1C radical 小)

  1. (gá) toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends
3 entries starting with 尜

尝 (U+5C1D radical 小)

  1. (cháng) to taste; to try; already; ever; once
  2. (cháng) to taste
4 entries starting with 尝

尟 (U+5C1F radical 小)

  1. (xiǎn) few; rare

尢 (U+5C22 radical 尢)

  1. (wāng) lame

尣 (U+5C23 radical 尢)

尤 (U+5C24 radical 尢)

  1. (yóu) surname You
  2. (yóu) outstanding; particularly, especially; a fault; to express discontentment against
22 entries starting with 尤

尥 (U+5C25 radical 尢)

  1. (liào) to give a backward kick (e.g. of a horse)
2 entries starting with 尥

尧 (U+5C27 radical 尢)

  1. (yáo) surname Yao; Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝, second son of Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾
3 entries starting with 尧

尨 (U+5C28 radical 尢)

  1. (páng) surname Pang
  2. (máng) shaggy dog; striped
  3. (páng) old variant of 龐|庞[pang2]; huge; enormous
3 entries starting with 尨

尪 (U+5C2A radical 尢)

  1. (wāng) feeble; lame

尬 (U+5C2C radical 尢)

  1. (gà) in an embarrassing situation

尰 (U+5C30 radical 尢)

  1. (zhǒng) swell

就 (U+5C31 radical 尢)

  1. (jiù) at once; right away; only; just (emphasis); as early as; already; as soon as; then; in that case; as many as; even if; to approach; to move towards; to undertake; to engage in; to suffer; subjected to; to accomplish; to take advantage of; to go with (of foods); with regard to; concerning
37 entries starting with 就

尴 (U+5C34 radical 尢)

  1. (gān) embarrassed; ill at ease
2 entries starting with 尴

尸 (U+5C38 radical 尸)

  1. (shī) person representing the dead (during burial ceremonies); to put a corpse on display (after execution); variant of 屍; corpse
  2. (shī) corpse
13 entries starting with 尸

尹 (U+5C39 radical 丿)

  1. (yǐn) surname Yin
  2. (yǐn) to administer; to oversee; to run; magistrate (old)
3 entries starting with 尹

尺 (U+5C3A radical 尸)

  1. (chě) one of the characters used to represent a musical note in gongche notation, 工尺譜|工尺谱[gong1 che3 pu3]
  2. (chǐ) a Chinese foot; one-third of a meter; a ruler; a tape-measure; one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3]
12 entries starting with 尺

尻 (U+5C3B radical 尸)

  1. (kāo) coccyx; tailbone at end of spine; rear joint of meat animal
3 entries starting with 尻

尼 (U+5C3C radical 尸)

  1. (ní) Buddhist nun; (often used in phonetic spellings)
48 entries starting with 尼

尽 (U+5C3D radical 尸)

  1. (jǐn) to the greatest extent; (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme; to be within the limits of; to give priority to
  2. (jìn) to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth)
40 entries starting with 尽

尾 (U+5C3E radical 尸)

  1. (wěi) tail; remainder; remnant; extremity; sixth of the 28 constellations; classifier for fish
  2. (yǐ) horse's tail; pointed posterior section of a locust etc
35 entries starting with 尾

尿 (U+5C3F radical 尸)

  1. (niào) to urinate; urine; CL:泡[pao1]
  2. (suī) more commonly read as [niao4]; to urinate; urine
15 entries starting with 尿

局 (U+5C40 radical 尸)

  1. (jú) narrow
  2. (jú) office; situation; classifier for games: match, set, round etc
27 entries starting with 局

屁 (U+5C41 radical 尸)

  1. (pì) fart; flatulence; nonsense
6 entries starting with 屁

层 (U+5C42 radical 尸)

  1. (céng) layer; stratum; laminated; floor (of a building); storey; classifier for layers; repeated; sheaf (math.)
22 entries starting with 层

屃 (U+5C43 radical 尸)

  1. (xì) variant of 屭|屃[xi4]
  2. (xì) see 贔屭|赑屃[Bi4 xi4]
2 entries starting with 屃

屄 (U+5C44 radical 尸)

  1. (bī) vulva (medical); pussy; cunt (vulgar); see also 逼[bi1]

居 (U+5C45 radical 尸)

  1. (jū) surname Ju
  2. (jī) (archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude
  3. (jū) to reside; to be (in a certain position); to store up; to be at a standstill; residence; house; restaurant; classifier for bedrooms
49 entries starting with 居

屇 (U+5C47 radical 尸)

  1. (tián) cave; hole

屈 (U+5C48 radical 尸)

  1. (qū) surname Qu
  2. (qū) bent; to feel wronged
17 entries starting with 屈

屉 (U+5C49 radical 尸)

  1. (tì) drawer; tier; tray

届 (U+5C4A radical 尸)

  1. (jiè) to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation)
3 entries starting with 届

屋 (U+5C4B radical 尸)

  1. (wū) house; room; CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4]
10 entries starting with 屋

屌 (U+5C4C radical 尸)

  1. (diǎo) penis; to fuck (Cantonese); cool or extraordinary (colloquial)

屎 (U+5C4E radical 尸)

  1. (shǐ) stool; feces; ear wax; nasal mucus
3 entries starting with 屎

屏 (U+5C4F radical 尸)

  1. (bīng) see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2]
  2. (bǐng) to get rid of; to put aside; to reject; to keep control; to hold (one's breath)
  3. (píng) (standing) screen
23 entries starting with 屏

屐 (U+5C50 radical 尸)

  1. (jī) clogs

屑 (U+5C51 radical 尸)

  1. (xiè) bits; fragments; crumbs; filings; trifling; trivial; to condescend to

展 (U+5C55 radical 尸)

  1. (zhǎn) surname Zhan
  2. (zhǎn) to spread out; to open up; to exhibit; to put into effect; to postpone; to prolong; exhibition
34 entries starting with 展

屖 (U+5C56 radical 尸)

  1. (xī) variant of 犀, rhinoceros; sharp

屘 (U+5C58 radical 尸)

  1. (mǎn) the youngest

屙 (U+5C59 radical 尸)

  1. (ē) to defecate
3 entries starting with 屙

屛 (U+5C5B radical 尸)

  1. (píng) variant of 屏[ping2]

屝 (U+5C5D radical 尸)

  1. (fèi) coarse; sandals

属 (U+5C5E radical 尸)

  1. (shǔ) category; genus (taxonomy); family members; dependents; to belong to; subordinate to; affiliated with; be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals); to be; to prove to be; to constitute
  2. (zhǔ) to join together; to fix one's attention on; to concentrate on
14 entries starting with 属

屠 (U+5C60 radical 尸)

  1. (tú) surname Tu
  2. (tú) slaughter; slaughter man
17 entries starting with 屠

屡 (U+5C61 radical 尸)

  1. (lǚ) time and again; repeatedly; frequently
11 entries starting with 屡

屣 (U+5C63 radical 尸)

  1. (xǐ) slippers

履 (U+5C65 radical 尸)

  1. (lǚ) shoe; to tread on
12 entries starting with 履

屦 (U+5C66 radical 尸)

  1. (jù) sandals

屧 (U+5C67 radical 尸)

  1. (xiè) wooden shoes

屩 (U+5C69 radical 尸)

  1. (juē) (old) hemp sandals; Taiwan pr. [jue2]

屪 (U+5C6A radical 尸)

  1. (liáo) penis

屮 (U+5C6E radical 屮)

  1. (chè) plants sprouting

屯 (U+5C6F radical 屮)

  1. (tún) to station (soldiers); to store up; village
  2. (zhūn) difficult; stingy
17 entries starting with 屯

山 (U+5C71 radical 山)

  1. (shān) surname Shan
  2. (shān) mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain; CL:座[zuo4]; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable
132 entries starting with 山

屴 (U+5C74 radical 山)

  1. (lì) high mountain range

屹 (U+5C79 radical 山)

  1. (yì) high and steep
2 entries starting with 屹

屺 (U+5C7A radical 山)

  1. (qǐ) mountain without vegetation; the residence of one's mother; see also 岵[hu4]

屼 (U+5C7C radical 山)

  1. (wù) bare hill

屿 (U+5C7F radical 山)

  1. (yǔ) islet

岁 (U+5C81 radical 山)

  1. (suì) classifier for years (of age); year; year (of crop harvests)
19 entries starting with 岁

岂 (U+5C82 radical 山)

  1. (kǎi) old variant of 愷|恺[kai3]; old variant of 凱|凯[kai3]
  2. (qǐ) how? (emphatic question)
7 entries starting with 岂

岊 (U+5C8A radical 山)

  1. (jié) mountain peak

岌 (U+5C8C radical 山)

  1. (jí) lofty peak; perilous
2 entries starting with 岌

岍 (U+5C8D radical 山)

  1. (qiān) name of a mountain

岐 (U+5C90 radical 山)

  1. (qí) divergent; side road; steep
6 entries starting with 岐

岑 (U+5C91 radical 山)

  1. (cén) surname Cen
  2. (cén) small hill
7 entries starting with 岑

岒 (U+5C92 radical 山)

  1. (qián) character used in place names

岔 (U+5C94 radical 山)

  1. (chà) fork in road; bifurcation; branch in road, river, mountain range etc; to branch off; to turn off; to diverge; to stray (from the path); to change the subject; to interrupt; to stagger (times)
8 entries starting with 岔

岖 (U+5C96 radical 山)

  1. (qū) rugged

岗 (U+5C97 radical 山)

  1. (gǎng) mound; policeman's beat
6 entries starting with 岗

岘 (U+5C98 radical 山)

  1. (xiàn) abbr. for 峴首山|岘首山[Xian4 shou3 shan1]; Mt Xianshou in Hubei; steep hill; used in place names
3 entries starting with 岘

岙 (U+5C99 radical 山)

  1. (ào) plain in the middle of the mountains; used in place names, esp. in 浙江[Zhe4 jiang1] and 福建[Fu2 jian4]

岚 (U+5C9A radical 山)

  1. (lán) mist; name of a mountain
6 entries starting with 岚

岛 (U+5C9B radical 山)

  1. (dǎo) island; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]
5 entries starting with 岛

岝 (U+5C9D radical 山)

  1. (zuò) name of a mountain in Shandong

岢 (U+5CA2 radical 山)

  1. (kě) see 岢嵐|岢岚[Ke3 lan2]
3 entries starting with 岢

岣 (U+5CA3 radical 山)

  1. (gǒu) name of a hill in Hunan

岧 (U+5CA7 radical 山)

  1. (tiáo) lofty peak

岨 (U+5CA8 radical 山)

  1. (qū) rocky hill

岩 (U+5CA9 radical 山)

  1. (yán) cliff; rock
  2. (yán) variant of 岩[yan2]
27 entries starting with 岩

岫 (U+5CAB radical 山)

  1. (xiù) cave; mountain peak
3 entries starting with 岫

岬 (U+5CAC radical 山)

  1. (jiǎ) cape (geography); headland
2 entries starting with 岬

岭 (U+5CAD radical 山)

  1. (lǐng) mountain range; mountain ridge
5 entries starting with 岭

岱 (U+5CB1 radical 山)

  1. (dài) Mt Tai in Shandong; same as 泰山
6 entries starting with 岱

岳 (U+5CB3 radical 山)

  1. (yuè) surname Yue
  2. (yuè) wife's parents and paternal uncles
  3. (yuè) surname Yue
  4. (yuè) high mountain; highest peak of a mountain ridge
29 entries starting with 岳

岵 (U+5CB5 radical 山)

  1. (hù) mountain covered with vegetation; the residence of one's father; see also 屺[qi3]

岷 (U+5CB7 radical 山)

  1. (mín) name of a river in Sichuan
3 entries starting with 岷

岸 (U+5CB8 radical 山)

  1. (àn) bank; shore; beach; coast; CL:個|个[ge4]
5 entries starting with 岸

岽 (U+5CBD radical 山)

  1. (dōng) place name in Guangxi province

岿 (U+5CBF radical 山)

  1. (kuī) high and mighty (of mountain); hilly

峁 (U+5CC1 radical 山)

  1. (mǎo) round yellow dirt mount (in the Northwest of China)

峄 (U+5CC4 radical 山)

  1. (yì) name of hills in Shandong
3 entries starting with 峄

峇 (U+5CC7 radical 山)

  1. (bā) Bali Island; 峇厘, now written 巴厘; cave
  2. (kē) cave
3 entries starting with 峇

峋 (U+5CCB radical 山)

  1. (xún) ranges of hills

峒 (U+5CD2 radical 山)

  1. (dòng) cave; cavern
  2. (tóng) name of a mountain
5 entries starting with 峒

峓 (U+5CD3 radical 山)

  1. (yí) place name

峙 (U+5CD9 radical 山)

  1. (zhì) peak; to store

峞 (U+5CDE radical 山)

  1. (wéi) high and uneven

峠 (U+5CE0 radical 山)

  1. (qiǎ) mountain pass (Japanese kokuji)

峡 (U+5CE1 radical 山)

  1. (xiá) gorge
5 entries starting with 峡

峤 (U+5CE4 radical 山)

  1. (jiào) highest peak

峥 (U+5CE5 radical 山)

  1. (zhēng) excel; lofty
2 entries starting with 峥

峦 (U+5CE6 radical 山)

  1. (luán) mountain ranges

峨 (U+5CE8 radical 山)

  1. (é) lofty; name of a mountain
13 entries starting with 峨

峩 (U+5CE9 radical 山)

  1. (é) variant of 峨[e2], lofty; name of a mountain

峪 (U+5CEA radical 山)

  1. (yù) valley

峭 (U+5CED radical 山)

  1. (qiào) high and steep; precipitous; severe or stern
2 entries starting with 峭

峯 (U+5CEF radical 山)

  1. (fēng) variant of 峰, peak; summit; apex; hump of a camel

峰 (U+5CF0 radical 山)

  1. (fēng) (of a mountain) high and tapered peak or summit; mountain-like in appearance; highest level; classifier for camels
11 entries starting with 峰

峱 (U+5CF1 radical 山)

  1. (náo) name of a mountain

峹 (U+5CF9 radical 山)

  1. (tú) name of a mountain

峻 (U+5CFB radical 山)

  1. (jùn) (of mountains) high; harsh or severe
4 entries starting with 峻

峿 (U+5CFF radical 山)

  1. (wú) name of a mountain