Date: 2006-01-02 12:16:00
Tags: tacos, language
international nuclear tacos

I maintain the list of how to say "I like to eat nuclear tacos" in as many different languages as possible. I recently updated the list, added romaji (Japanese) and pinyin (Chinese), and added the names of the languages in their own language. The current list is here.

If you can, please check my romaji and pinyin entries, and supply other translations if possible. I can't seem to confirm that the Polish translation is anywhere near close (saluton [info]goulo , bonvole helpu!). The Korean translation was done by babelfish and I can't trust it (the Korean translates back to English as "I eat the nuclear other nose and Sip i increase").

You may have to increase the font size in Firefox on Windows to read the pinyin properly (ctrl-plus). Internet Explorer shows it fine on my computer, but Opera shows some really odd spacing in the pinyin.

At the top of the desired-language list are:

Finally, remember that you can order nuclear taco swag at cafepress, including a shirt with all these translations on it!

dunno if you'd care for it, but i could work something slightly silly up in latin.

also the pinyin looks fine to me in opera 8.5/linux
Yeah, latin would be great. I looked a few minutes ago, but I know nothing of latin grammar and I wasn't even sure which verb to use for eating. :)
a use for my latin minor! hot diggity.

i'm gonna wait til i get home where all my reference books are so i can figure out how to make something that might be recognizable as "nuclear" and "tacos" by others.
Should post to [info] as well.

I have a correction for one of the asian languages; it's written in my logbook, so I guess someone needs to scan it.
Or take a picture :)
Mi havas dubojn pri tiu pola versio, do mi demandas al a2na.
Parenteze, mi ĵus kontrolis la tokiponan version "moku seli li pona tawa mi" kaj ĝi aspektas bona. :) (Mi partoprenis tokiponan kurson dum IS!)
Bone, ĉar mi kredas ke vi provizis la tokiponan! :)
Jes, mi povas konfirmi, ke la tokipona traduko bonas. "Manĝo varma ĝi bonas al mi" estus laŭvorta traduko, kaj ĝuste tiel oni per tokipono parolas pri ŝatoj. Traduko de "nukleaj takoj" kiel "moku seli" cetere ankaŭ mojosas, ĉar vi ĝuste lernis dum mia kurseto, ke ja en tokipono detaloj tute ne gravas! Bona lernanto ;-)
Pasintan nokton mi ekscivolis ĉu "wawa" pli taŭgas ol "seli", sed mi ne scias: mi legis tokiponan vortaron kiu diras ke angla "spicy" estas "moku wawa".

Eble "moku seli wawa"! :) Aŭ "moku seli mute"...
Jen ĉeĥa traduko (cs):

Rád jím nukleární tacos.

Eble ankaŭ mi povas kontribui per slovaka traduko (sk):

Rád jem nukleárne tacos.
Dankegon! Mi aldonis ĉi tiujn al la paĝo.
Greg Hewgill <>