Date: 2006-03-25 13:08:00
Tags: nz
new zealand
We made it! About 30 hours ago, after a good solid 24 hours of traveling, we arrived in Christchurch. After getting some groceries and stuff in town, we drove out to Akaroa on the Banks Peninsula and settled down for the evening. Today I woke up with a hell of a headache, no energy, and probably a fever. I'll survive, but it sort of puts a damper on enjoying the lovely weather here today.

We're probably going to stay here for a couple more nights and then head back into town. Hopefully I'll feel better before my interview on tuesday!
Welcome to the southern hemisphere! :-)
You're almost in the right time zone now! :)
Glad you arrived safe and sound. Heal fast!
Good thing y'all got there just in time for winter. :P
so you got a car already?
No, we rented a car for a week and a half to get ourselves settled. The bus here is not bad and we're within walking distance of the city (and the central bus exchange).
well take some spirulina, dude!

Man, what a bummer that I missed you. Things went sideways at work and by the time I looked up, it was thursday and you were gone. Having said that, I get out to New Zealand once or twice a year anyway, so I'll just hunt you down! Get me an address when you have one, glad you arrived safe.

The wheatgrassser
It was pretty hectic just before we left. I've recovered from whatever hit me when we arrived, so that's good.
Greg Hewgill <>