letting the outside in
One of the things I really enjoy about living here in Christchurch is that the weather doesn't get too hot. Because of this, there is no need for air conditioning. And at this time of year (spring), the weather outside is just the right temperature to open up all the windows in the house and let the air and whatever else it brings flow through.
A bee just flew in, and I let him wander around for a while until he realised there weren't any flowers in here and left through another window.
When I lived in the US (both in California and in Texas), my day would often proceed from my air conditioned house to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned office, and back again. I still have to put up with an air conditioned office here, but I sure get a lot more fresh air exposure at home (with the windows open) and on my commute (on my bike) than I had previously. It feels good.
Greg Hewgill <greg@hewgill.com>