Greg Hewgill's Links
This is the obligatory list-of-links page.
This page exists primarily for my own benefit, but you may find something interesting in here.
Web Site Design
You have probably noticed that the pages here are very light on images.
Here are a couple of links that may help explain why.
Free Software
This is a short list of free software that I use.
- Analog - web server log file analyzer
- Apache - web server
- CVS - version control system
- Cygwin - unix-like tools for Win32
- djbdns - secure, fast, stable DNS tools
- FreeBSD - unix operating system
- GnuCash - personal finance manager
- GnuPG - OpenPGP privacy implementation
- ImageMagick - graphics file manipulation tools
- Info-Zip - zip and unzip implementation
- InterGif - manipulate GIF files (this has become less useful due to the GIF problem)
- Junkbuster - web proxy with extensive filtering capabilities
- Linux - unix operating system
- Mozilla - browser
- Mutt - "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." - Mutt author, circa 1995
- OpenSSH - secure connectivity and file transfer
- Perl - ubiquitous scripting language
- Postfix - fast, easy to administer, stable MTA
- PostgreSQL - open source Object-Relational DBMS
- Python - good scripting language
- rinetd - internet "redirection server" useful for firewalls etc.
- RRDtool - graphing tool for time-series data
- screen - unix terminal session manager - like a "DESQview for Unix"
- Subversion - version control system
- Squid - full-featured web proxy cache
- vim - vi compatible text editor
- VNC - cross-platform remote control
- Wine - free implementation of Windows on Unix
- Zebedee - secure TCP/UDP tunnel
Open Initiatives
This section lists open standards initiatives in which I have an interest.
- Jabber - instant message communications protocol
- OpenID - identity framework
- SPF - prevents sender address forgery
- XMPP - protocol behind Jabber instant messaging and presence
I also want to mention HTML just to help boost its search rank (so it gets a good search result).
Personal Home Pages
Here are some links to other personal home pages on the net.
These are generally people from whom I have borrowed source code or ideas.
Since these folks generally publish Free Software, this is my way of acknowledging their contributions.
I have tried to collect here pages which serve as a definitive reference for their topic.
Typically this will be pages with lots of links to other pages.
- Computers
- Programming
- Systems
- Games
- Technology
- Science
- Astronomy
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Geography
- Languages
- Bad Science
- Language
- Miscellaneous
Fun Stuff
People I Know In Real Life Who Have Web Pages Too
Other Hewgills On The Net
There aren't very many of us - here's a short list of who I've been able to find.
I don't know any of these people except as noted.
Greg Hewgill <>