When I went to check my mail this morning, there was a lot less than I thought there should be. That is, there was no new email, not even spam. This never happens, because I get so much spam and list mail that there's always something there.
I did some investigation and found that postfix was running everything through
clamav as configured, but clamav was rejecting everything as having a virus. Even text messages with no attachment!
When I integrated clamscan into postfix, I used a
postfix after-queue content filter script. That example shows filter processing as:
filter <in.$$
That redirects the temporary file
in.$$ to the filter's stdin for processing. So my script reads:
/usr/local/bin/clamscan -d /var/lib/clamav <in.$$
Looks ok, right? Well, clamscan doesn't support redirecting content into its stdin. Instead, when run without arguments it ignores stdin and processes everything in the current directory. Since the current directory is the temporary filter queue directory, no problem. (Well almost; there is also a race condition if two scans are running simultaneously and one is a virus - the other will be thought to be a virus too.)
Upon further investigation, I found that sometime last evening clamscan had crashed and left a
clamscan.core file in the filter working directory. The problem here is that the clamscan core file
is itself identified as a virus! While clamscan is running, it contains virus signatures in memory which are then written to disk if it dumps core.
I fixed this problem by changing my clamscan line to:
/usr/local/bin/clamscan -d /var/lib/clamav in.$$
A subtle change but it makes all the difference.
(I don't know why clamscan dumped core. At least if it happens again, it won't cause me to lose 11 hours of email.)