昀 (U+6600 radical 日)

  1. (yún) sun light; used in personal name

昂 (U+6602 radical 日)

  1. (áng) to lift; to raise; to raise one's head; high; high spirits; soaring; expensive
20 entries starting with 昂

昃 (U+6603 radical 日)

  1. (zè) afternoon; decline

昄 (U+6604 radical 日)

  1. (bǎn) great; expansive

昆 (U+6606 radical 日)

  1. (kūn) Kunlun mountains
  2. (kūn) descendant; elder brother; a style of Chinese poetry
25 entries starting with 昆

昉 (U+6609 radical 日)

  1. (fǎng) dawn; to begin

昊 (U+660A radical 日)

  1. (hào) surname Hao
  2. (hào) vast and limitless; the vast sky
3 entries starting with 昊

昌 (U+660C radical 日)

  1. (chāng) surname Chang
  2. (chāng) prosperous; flourishing
32 entries starting with 昌

明 (U+660E radical 日)

  1. (míng) Ming Dynasty (1368-1644); surname Ming; Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  2. (míng) bright; opposite: dark 暗[an4]; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods
111 entries starting with 明

昏 (U+660F radical 日)

  1. (hūn) muddle-headed; twilight; to faint; to lose consciousness
16 entries starting with 昏

昑 (U+6611 radical 日)

  1. (qǐn) bright

易 (U+6613 radical 日)

  1. (yì) surname Yi
  2. (yì) easy; amiable; to change; to exchange
32 entries starting with 易

昔 (U+6614 radical 日)

  1. (xī) surname Xi
  2. (xī) former times; the past; Taiwan pr. [xi2]
6 entries starting with 昔

昕 (U+6615 radical 日)

  1. (xīn) dawn

昙 (U+6619 radical 日)

  1. (tán) dark clouds
3 entries starting with 昙

昜 (U+661C radical 日)

  1. (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious

昝 (U+661D radical 日)

  1. (zǎn) surname Zan

昞 (U+661E radical 日)

  1. (bǐng) variant of 炳[bing3]

星 (U+661F radical 日)

  1. (xīng) star; satellite; small amount
64 entries starting with 星

映 (U+6620 radical 日)

  1. (yìng) reflect; shine
8 entries starting with 映

昡 (U+6621 radical 日)

  1. (xuàn) long day; extended; relaxed

昤 (U+6624 radical 日)

  1. (līng) sunshine

春 (U+6625 radical 日)

  1. (chūn) spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life
62 entries starting with 春

昧 (U+6627 radical 日)

  1. (mèi) conceal; dark
5 entries starting with 昧

昨 (U+6628 radical 日)

  1. (zuó) yesterday
5 entries starting with 昨

昫 (U+662B radical 日)

  1. (xù) variant of 煦[xu4]; balmy; nicely warm; cozy

昭 (U+662D radical 日)

  1. (zhāo) bright; clear; manifest; to show clearly
18 entries starting with 昭

是 (U+662F radical 日)

  1. (shì) is; are; am; yes; to be
13 entries starting with 是

昰 (U+6630 radical 日)

  1. (shì) variant of 是; name

昱 (U+6631 radical 日)

  1. (yù) bright light
2 entries starting with 昱

昳 (U+6633 radical 日)

  1. (dié) the declining sun in the west

昴 (U+6634 radical 日)

  1. (mǎo) the Pleiades
3 entries starting with 昴

昵 (U+6635 radical 日)

  1. (nì) variant of 暱|昵[ni4]
  2. (nì) familiar; intimate; to approach
5 entries starting with 昵

昶 (U+6636 radical 日)

  1. (chǎng) (of the day) long; old variant of 暢|畅[chang4]

昺 (U+663A radical 日)

  1. (bǐng) bright; glorious

昻 (U+663B radical 日)

  1. (áng) variant of 昂,; to lift; to raise; to raise one's head; high; high spirits; soaring; expensive

昼 (U+663C radical 日)

  1. (zhòu) daytime
5 entries starting with 昼

昽 (U+663D radical 日)

  1. (lóng) twilight; approaching light of dawn; dim

显 (U+663E radical 日)

  1. (xiǎn) prominent; conspicuous; Greek stem: phanero-
54 entries starting with 显

晁 (U+6641 radical 日)

  1. (cháo) surname Chao

晃 (U+6643 radical 日)

  1. (huǎng) to dazzle; to flash past
  2. (huàng) to sway; to shake
5 entries starting with 晃

晄 (U+6644 radical 日)

  1. (huǎng) old variant of 晃[huang3]

晅 (U+6645 radical 日)

  1. (xuān) light of the sun; to dry in the sun

晋 (U+664B radical 日)

  1. (jìn) surname Jin; the Jin Dynasties (265-420); Western Jin 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4] (265-316), Eastern Jin 東晉|东晋[Dong1 Jin4] (317-420) and Later Jin Dynasty (936-946); short name for Shanxi province 山西[Shan1 xi1]
  2. (jìn) to move forward; to promote; to advance
22 entries starting with 晋

晌 (U+664C radical 日)

  1. (shǎng) part of the day; midday
2 entries starting with 晌

晏 (U+664F radical 日)

  1. (yàn) surname Yan
  2. (yàn) late; quiet
7 entries starting with 晏

晒 (U+6652 radical 日)

  1. (shài) variant of 曬|晒[shai4]
  2. (shài) to dry in the sun; to sunbathe; to share files (loan from "share")
15 entries starting with 晒

晓 (U+6653 radical 日)

  1. (xiǎo) dawn; daybreak; to know; to let sb know; to make explicit
4 entries starting with 晓

晔 (U+6654 radical 日)

  1. (yè) bright light; to sparkle

晕 (U+6655 radical 日)

  1. (yūn) confused; dizzy; giddy; to faint; to swoon; to lose consciousness; to pass out
  2. (yùn) dizzy; halo; ring around moon or sun
19 entries starting with 晕

晖 (U+6656 radical 日)

  1. (huī) sunshine; to shine upon; variant of 輝|辉[hui1]
2 entries starting with 晖

晗 (U+6657 radical 日)

  1. (hán) before daybreak; dawn about to break; used in given names

晚 (U+665A radical 日)

  1. (wǎn) evening; night; late
24 entries starting with 晚

晛 (U+665B radical 日)

  1. (xiàn) to appear (of sun)

晜 (U+665C radical 日)

  1. (kūn) descendant; elder brother

晞 (U+665E radical 日)

  1. (xī) dawn; to dry in the sun

晟 (U+665F radical 日)

  1. (chéng) variant of 成; surname Cheng
  2. (shèng) brightness of sun; splendor
2 entries starting with 晟

晡 (U+6661 radical 日)

  1. (bū) 3-5 p.m.

晢 (U+6662 radical 日)

  1. (zhé) bright

晤 (U+6664 radical 日)

  1. (wù) meet (socially)
2 entries starting with 晤

晥 (U+6665 radical 日)

  1. (hàn) Anhui province

晦 (U+6666 radical 日)

  1. (huì) dark; night; unlucky
4 entries starting with 晦

晨 (U+6668 radical 日)

  1. (chén) morning; dawn; daybreak
12 entries starting with 晨

晩 (U+6669 radical 日)

  1. (wǎn) variant of 晚[wan3]

晬 (U+666C radical 日)

  1. (zuì) 1st birthday of a child

普 (U+666E radical 日)

  1. (pǔ) general; popular; everywhere; universal
112 entries starting with 普

景 (U+666F radical 日)

  1. (jǐng) surname Jing
  2. (jǐng) bright; circumstance; scenery
37 entries starting with 景

晰 (U+6670 radical 日)

  1. (xī) understanding

晴 (U+6674 radical 日)

  1. (qíng) clear; fine (weather)
10 entries starting with 晴

晶 (U+6676 radical 日)

  1. (jīng) crystal
16 entries starting with 晶

晷 (U+6677 radical 日)

  1. (guǐ) sundial

智 (U+667A radical 日)

  1. (zhì) wisdom; knowledge
29 entries starting with 智

晾 (U+667E radical 日)

  1. (liàng) to dry in the air
3 entries starting with 晾

晿 (U+667F radical 日)

  1. (chēng) (used in names)

暁 (U+6681 radical 日)

  1. (xiǎo) Japanese variant of 曉|晓

暂 (U+6682 radical 日)

  1. (zàn) temporary; Taiwan pr. [zhan4]
14 entries starting with 暂

暄 (U+6684 radical 日)

  1. (xuān) genial and warm
2 entries starting with 暄

暆 (U+6686 radical 日)

  1. (yí) (of the sun) declining

暇 (U+6687 radical 日)

  1. (xiá) leisure

暋 (U+668B radical 日)

  1. (mín) unhappy; worried; depressed
  2. (mǐn) strong; vigorous
2 entries starting with 暋

暌 (U+668C radical 日)

  1. (kuí) in opposition to; separated from

暍 (U+668D radical 日)

  1. (hè) hot

暐 (U+6690 radical 日)

  1. (wěi) the bright shining of the sun

暑 (U+6691 radical 日)

  1. (shǔ) heat; hot weather; summer heat
10 entries starting with 暑

暔 (U+6694 radical 日)

  1. (nán) name of a country

暕 (U+6695 radical 日)

  1. (jiǎn) bright (light)

暖 (U+6696 radical 日)

  1. (nuǎn) warm; to heat; genial
21 entries starting with 暖

暗 (U+6697 radical 日)

  1. (àn) dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled; obscure; in the dark
  2. (àn) to close (a door); to eclipse; muddled; stupid; ignorant; variant of 暗[an4]
62 entries starting with 暗

暝 (U+669D radical 日)

  1. (míng) dark

暠 (U+66A0 radical 日)

  1. (gǎo) daybreak; bright and brilliant

暡 (U+66A1 radical 日)

  1. (wěng) see 暡曚[weng3 meng2]
2 entries starting with 暡

暦 (U+66A6 radical 日)

  1. (lì) Japanese variant of 曆|历; the calendar

暧 (U+66A7 radical 日)

  1. (ài) (of daylight) dim; obscure; clandestine; dubious
3 entries starting with 暧

暨 (U+66A8 radical 日)

  1. (jì) and; to reach to; the limits
3 entries starting with 暨

暪 (U+66AA radical 日)

  1. (mèn) dark

暮 (U+66AE radical 日)

  1. (mù) evening; sunset
9 entries starting with 暮

暲 (U+66B2 radical 日)

  1. (zhāng) bright; to rise (of sun)

暴 (U+66B4 radical 日)

  1. (bào) surname Bao
  2. (bào) sudden; violent; cruel; to show or expose; to injure
43 entries starting with 暴

暵 (U+66B5 radical 日)

  1. (hàn) dry; hot

暸 (U+66B8 radical 日)

  1. (liǎo) bright, clear

暹 (U+66B9 radical 日)

  1. (xiān) sunrise
4 entries starting with 暹

暻 (U+66BB radical 日)

  1. (jǐng) bright

暾 (U+66BE radical 日)

  1. (tūn) sun above the horizon
2 entries starting with 暾

曀 (U+66C0 radical 日)

  1. (yì) obscure; sun hidden by clouds

曈 (U+66C8 radical 日)

  1. (tóng) sun about to rise

曌 (U+66CC radical 日)

  1. (zhào) name invented for herself by Tang empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天[Wu3 Ze2 tian1]

曏 (U+66CF radical 日)

  1. (xiàng) surname Xiang
  2. (xiàng) variant of 向, direction; orientation; to face; to turn toward; to; towards; shortly before; formerly; to side with; to be partial to; all along (previously)
2 entries starting with 曏

曙 (U+66D9 radical 日)

  1. (shǔ) daybreak; dawn; the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor); Taiwan pr. [shu4]
2 entries starting with 曙

曚 (U+66DA radical 日)

  1. (méng) twilight before dawn

曛 (U+66DB radical 日)

  1. (xūn) twilight; sunset

曜 (U+66DC radical 日)

  1. (yào) bright; glorious; one of the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy

曝 (U+66DD radical 日)

  1. (pù) to air; to sun
5 entries starting with 曝

曡 (U+66E1 radical 日)

  1. (dié) variant of 疊|叠[die2], to fold; to fold over in layers; to furl; to layer; to pile up; to repeat; to duplicate

曦 (U+66E6 radical 日)

  1. (xī) light of day

曩 (U+66E9 radical 日)

  1. (nǎng) in former times

曰 (U+66F0 radical 曰)

  1. (yuē) to speak; to say

曲 (U+66F2 radical 曰)

  1. (qū) bent; crooked; wrong
  2. (qǔ) tune; song; CL:支[zhi1]
54 entries starting with 曲

曳 (U+66F3 radical 曰)

  1. (yè) drag

更 (U+66F4 radical 曰)

  1. (gēng) to change or replace; to experience; one of the five two hour periods into which the night was formerly divided; watch (e.g. of a sentry or guard)
  2. (gèng) more; even more; further; still; still more
43 entries starting with 更

曷 (U+66F7 radical 曰)

  1. (hé) why; how; when; what; where

曹 (U+66F9 radical 曰)

  1. (cáo) surname Cao; Zhou Dynasty vassal state
  2. (cáo) class or grade; generation; plaintiff and defendant (old); government department (old)
16 entries starting with 曹

曼 (U+66FC radical 曰)

  1. (màn) handsome; large; long
23 entries starting with 曼

曽 (U+66FD radical 日)

  1. (céng) variant of 曾[ceng2]; already; former; used in Japanese names with phonetic value zo, so or sō

曾 (U+66FE radical 曰)

  1. (zēng) surname Zeng
  2. (céng) once; already; former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause)
  3. (zēng) great-grand (father, child etc)
26 entries starting with 曾

替 (U+66FF radical 曰)

  1. (tì) to substitute for; to take the place of; to replace; for; on behalf of; to stand in for
19 entries starting with 替