欀 (U+6B00 radical 木)

  1. (xiāng) inner lining of wooden utensils; component beam used in building construction; species of oak tree with medicinal bark (old)

欂 (U+6B02 radical 木)

  1. (bó) rafter

欃 (U+6B03 radical 木)

  1. (chán) sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepalese tree producing valuable fragrant oil; comet

欐 (U+6B10 radical 木)

  1. (lì) beam

欑 (U+6B11 radical 木)

  1. (zàn) gather

欙 (U+6B19 radical 木)

  1. (léi) sedan

欠 (U+6B20 radical 欠)

  1. (qiàn) deficient; to owe; to lack; yawn
13 entries starting with 欠

次 (U+6B21 radical 欠)

  1. (cì) next in sequence; second; the second (day, time etc); secondary; vice-; sub-; infra-; inferior quality; substandard; order; sequence; hypo- (chemistry); classifier for enumerated events: time
36 entries starting with 次

欢 (U+6B22 radical 欠)

  1. (huān) joyous; happy; pleased
25 entries starting with 欢

欣 (U+6B23 radical 欠)

  1. (xīn) happy
7 entries starting with 欣

欤 (U+6B24 radical 欠)

  1. (yú) (final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 or 呢)

欧 (U+6B27 radical 欠)

  1. (ōu) Europe; abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]; surname Ou
  2. (ōu) (used for transliteration); old variant of 謳|讴[ou1]
73 entries starting with 欧

欨 (U+6B28 radical 欠)

  1. (xū) to blow or breathe upon to smile

欬 (U+6B2C radical 欠)

  1. (kài) cough; sound of laughter

欲 (U+6B32 radical 欠)

  1. (yù) desire; appetite; passion; lust; greed
  2. (yù) to wish for; to desire; variant of 慾|欲[yu4]
20 entries starting with 欲

欵 (U+6B35 radical 欠)

  1. (kuǎn) to treat well; to detain; variant of 款[kuan3]

欶 (U+6B36 radical 欠)

  1. (shuò) to suck; to drink

欷 (U+6B37 radical 欠)

  1. (xī) to sob
3 entries starting with 欷

欸 (U+6B38 radical 欠)

  1. (ǎi) sigh; exclamation Eh!

欹 (U+6B39 radical 欠)

  1. (yī) interjection

欺 (U+6B3A radical 欠)

  1. (qī) take unfair advantage of; to deceive; to cheat
15 entries starting with 欺

欻 (U+6B3B radical 欠)

  1. (chuā) onomat. crashing sound
  2. (xū) suddenly; also pr. [hu1]
2 entries starting with 欻

欼 (U+6B3C radical 欠)

  1. (chǐ) drink

款 (U+6B3E radical 欠)

  1. (kuǎn) section; paragraph; funds; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]; classifier for versions or models (e.g. a version of a device, software etc)
14 entries starting with 款

欿 (U+6B3F radical 欠)

  1. (kǎn) discontented with oneself
2 entries starting with 欿

歁 (U+6B41 radical 欠)

  1. (kǎn) unsatisfied (of eating)

歃 (U+6B43 radical 欠)

  1. (shà) to drink
2 entries starting with 歃

歆 (U+6B46 radical 欠)

  1. (xīn) pleased; moved

歇 (U+6B47 radical 欠)

  1. (xiē) to rest
10 entries starting with 歇

歈 (U+6B48 radical 欠)

  1. (yú) songs

歉 (U+6B49 radical 欠)

  1. (qiàn) to apologize; to regret; deficient
4 entries starting with 歉

歊 (U+6B4A radical 欠)

  1. (xiāo) vapor; steam

歌 (U+6B4C radical 欠)

  1. (gē) song; CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3]; to sing
34 entries starting with 歌

歓 (U+6B53 radical 欠)

  1. (huān) Japanese variant of 歡|欢

歔 (U+6B54 radical 欠)

  1. (xū) to snort

歕 (U+6B55 radical 欠)

  1. (pēn) old variant of 噴|喷[pen1]

歘 (U+6B58 radical 欠)

  1. (xū) variant of 欻[xu1]

歙 (U+6B59 radical 欠)

  1. (shè) name of a district in Anhui
2 entries starting with 歙

歛 (U+6B5B radical 欠)

  1. (hān) to desire; to give
  2. (liǎn) variant of 斂|敛[lian3]
2 entries starting with 歛

歜 (U+6B5C radical 欠)

  1. (chù) (person); angry

歠 (U+6B60 radical 欠)

  1. (chuò) sip; suck

止 (U+6B62 radical 止)

  1. (zhǐ) to stop; to prohibit; until; only
14 entries starting with 止

正 (U+6B63 radical 止)

  1. (zhēng) first month of the lunar year
  2. (zhèng) just (right); main; upright; straight; correct; positive; greater than zero; principle
165 entries starting with 正

此 (U+6B64 radical 止)

  1. (cǐ) this; these
22 entries starting with 此

步 (U+6B65 radical 止)

  1. (bù) a step; a pace; walk; march; stages in a process
38 entries starting with 步

武 (U+6B66 radical 止)

  1. (wǔ) surname Wu
  2. (wǔ) martial; military
119 entries starting with 武

歧 (U+6B67 radical 止)

  1. (qí) divergent; side road
8 entries starting with 歧

歩 (U+6B69 radical 止)

  1. (bù) Japanese variant of 步

歪 (U+6B6A radical 止)

  1. (wāi) askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious
11 entries starting with 歪

歮 (U+6B6E radical 止)

  1. (sè) archaic variant of 澀|涩[se4]

歯 (U+6B6F radical 止)

  1. (chǐ) Japanese variant of 齒|齿

歰 (U+6B70 radical 止)

  1. (sè) archaic variant of 澀|涩[se4]

歳 (U+6B73 radical 止)

  1. (suì) Japanese variant of 歲|岁

歴 (U+6B74 radical 止)

  1. (lì) old variant of 歷|历[li4]

歹 (U+6B79 radical 歹)

  1. (dǎi) bad; wicked; evil
4 entries starting with 歹

歺 (U+6B7A radical 歹)

  1. (dǎi) old variant of 歹[dai3]

死 (U+6B7B radical 歹)

  1. (sǐ) to die; impassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid; extremely
86 entries starting with 死

歼 (U+6B7C radical 歹)

  1. (jiān) to annihilate; abbr. for 殲擊機|歼击机, fighter plane
4 entries starting with 歼

歾 (U+6B7E radical 歹)

  1. (mò) to end; to die

殀 (U+6B80 radical 歹)

  1. (yǎo) die young, die prematurely

殁 (U+6B81 radical 歹)

  1. (mò) to end; to die

殂 (U+6B82 radical 歹)

  1. (cú) die

殃 (U+6B83 radical 歹)

  1. (yāng) calamity
2 entries starting with 殃

殄 (U+6B84 radical 歹)

  1. (tiǎn) to exterminate

殆 (U+6B86 radical 歹)

  1. (dài) dangerous; perilous; to endanger; almost; probably; only
2 entries starting with 殆

殇 (U+6B87 radical 歹)

  1. (shāng) to die in childhood; war dead

殈 (U+6B88 radical 歹)

  1. (xù) damage egg so it does not hatch

殉 (U+6B89 radical 歹)

  1. (xùn) to be buried with the dead; to die for a cause
7 entries starting with 殉

殊 (U+6B8A radical 歹)

  1. (shū) different; unique; special; very; (classical) to behead; to die; to cut off; to separate; to surpass
12 entries starting with 殊

残 (U+6B8B radical 歹)

  1. (cán) to destroy; to spoil; to ruin; to injure; cruel; oppressive; savage; brutal; incomplete; disabled; to remain; to survive; remnant; surplus
46 entries starting with 残

殍 (U+6B8D radical 歹)

  1. (piǎo) die of starvation

殑 (U+6B91 radical 歹)

  1. (qíng) swoon

殒 (U+6B92 radical 歹)

  1. (yǔn) to perish; to die
4 entries starting with 殒

殓 (U+6B93 radical 歹)

  1. (liàn) to prepare a dead body for coffin

殖 (U+6B96 radical 歹)

  1. (zhí) to grow; to reproduce
6 entries starting with 殖

殗 (U+6B97 radical 歹)

  1. (yè) sickness; repeated
2 entries starting with 殗

殙 (U+6B99 radical 歹)

  1. (hūn) to die by taking poison

殚 (U+6B9A radical 歹)

  1. (dān) entirely; to exhaust
8 entries starting with 殚

殛 (U+6B9B radical 歹)

  1. (jí) to put to death

殜 (U+6B9C radical 歹)

  1. (dié) weak (from illness); half-sitting, half-reclining (meaning unclear)
2 entries starting with 殜

殡 (U+6BA1 radical 歹)

  1. (bìn) a funeral; to encoffin a corpse; to carry to burial
5 entries starting with 殡

殢 (U+6BA2 radical 歹)

  1. (tì) fatigue

殣 (U+6BA3 radical 歹)

  1. (jìn) die of hunger

殥 (U+6BA5 radical 歹)

  1. (yín) remote; outlying

殪 (U+6BAA radical 歹)

  1. (yì) to exterminate

殰 (U+6BB0 radical 歹)

  1. (dú) an abortion; stillborn

殳 (U+6BB3 radical 殳)

  1. (shū) surname Shu
  2. (shū) spear
2 entries starting with 殳

殴 (U+6BB4 radical 殳)

  1. (ōu) surname Ou
  2. (ōu) to beat up; to hit sb
5 entries starting with 殴

段 (U+6BB5 radical 殳)

  1. (duàn) surname Duan
  2. (duàn) paragraph; section; segment; stage (of a process); classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc
10 entries starting with 段

殷 (U+6BB7 radical 殳)

  1. (yīn) surname Yin; flourishing; dynasty name at the end the Shang dynasty, after their move to Yinxu 殷墟 in modern Henan province
  2. (yān) dark red
  3. (yǐn) roll of thunder
13 entries starting with 殷

殸 (U+6BB8 radical 殳)

  1. (qìng) variant of 磬[qing4]

殻 (U+6BBB radical 殳)

  1. (qiào) variant of 殼|壳[qiao4]

殿 (U+6BBF radical 殳)

  1. (diàn) palace hall
6 entries starting with 殿

毁 (U+6BC1 radical 殳)

  1. (huǐ) to destroy; to damage; to ruin; to defame; to slander
  2. (huǐ) variant of 毀|毁[hui3]; to destroy by fire; a blaze
  3. (huǐ) variant of 毀|毁[hui3]; to defame; to slander
15 entries starting with 毁

毂 (U+6BC2 radical 殳)

  1. (gū) wheel
  2. (gǔ) hub of wheel
2 entries starting with 毂

毅 (U+6BC5 radical 殳)

  1. (yì) firm and resolute; staunch
3 entries starting with 毅

毈 (U+6BC8 radical 殳)

  1. (duàn) infertile egg

毋 (U+6BCB radical 毋)

  1. (wú) surname Wu
  2. (wú) no; don't
4 entries starting with 毋

毌 (U+6BCC radical 毋)

母 (U+6BCD radical 毋)

  1. (mǔ) female; mother
33 entries starting with 母

毎 (U+6BCE radical 毋)

  1. (měi) Japanese variant of 每

每 (U+6BCF radical 毋)

  1. (měi) each; every
33 entries starting with 每

毐 (U+6BD0 radical 毋)

  1. (ǎi) see historical character Lao Ai 嫪毐; by extension, person of reprehensible morals; immoral; adulterer

毑 (U+6BD1 radical 毋)

  1. (jiě) mother

毒 (U+6BD2 radical 毋)

  1. (dú) poison; narcotics; evil
38 entries starting with 毒

毓 (U+6BD3 radical 毋)

  1. (yù) (archaic) to give birth to a child; to rear
2 entries starting with 毓

比 (U+6BD4 radical 比)

  1. (bǐ) Belgium; Belgian; abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]
  2. (bǐ) (particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio
  3. (bì) to associate with; to be near
84 entries starting with 比

毕 (U+6BD5 radical 比)

  1. (bì) surname Bi
  2. (bì) the whole of; to finish; to complete; complete; full; finished
24 entries starting with 毕

毖 (U+6BD6 radical 比)

  1. (bì) careful; to prevent

毗 (U+6BD7 radical 比)

  1. (pí) to adjoin; to border on
5 entries starting with 毗

毘 (U+6BD8 radical 比)

  1. (pí) adjoin; border

毙 (U+6BD9 radical 比)

  1. (bì) to die violently
2 entries starting with 毙

毚 (U+6BDA radical 比)

  1. (chán) cunning; artful

毛 (U+6BDB radical 毛)

  1. (máo) surname Mao
  2. (máo) hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = 1; 10 yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])
69 entries starting with 毛

毡 (U+6BE1 radical 毛)

  1. (zhān) felt (fabric)

毧 (U+6BE7 radical 毛)

  1. (róng) down; felt

毫 (U+6BEB radical 毛)

  1. (háo) hair; drawing brush; (in the) least; one thousandth; currency unit, 0.1 yuan
26 entries starting with 毫

毬 (U+6BEC radical 毛)

  1. (qiú) ball

毯 (U+6BEF radical 毛)

  1. (tǎn) blanket; rug
2 entries starting with 毯

毳 (U+6BF3 radical 毛)

  1. (cuì) crisp; brittle; fine animal hair

毵 (U+6BF5 radical 毛)

  1. (sān) long-haired; shaggy

毷 (U+6BF7 radical 毛)

  1. (mào) restless

毹 (U+6BF9 radical 毛)

  1. (shū) rug

毽 (U+6BFD radical 毛)

  1. (jiàn) shuttlecock
2 entries starting with 毽

毾 (U+6BFE radical 毛)

  1. (tà) a coarse, woollen serge